Wearing a skirt with leggings
Q: For women, is wearing a skirt slightly below the knees allowed with leggings/stocking underneath?
Q: For women, is wearing a skirt slightly below the knees allowed with leggings/stocking underneath?
Q: I am confused whether my bleeding is istidah or posnatal. I had an eptopic pregnancy at 11 weeks. My treatment for eptopic pregnancy involved a D and C and an special injection to terminate the eptopic pregnancy. Since the treatment I have been on heavy bleeding for almost 5 weeks and now on my 6th week I am still getting brown discharge. My doctor said the bleeding lasted so long because of the injection and she also said that though this is not a postnatal bleeding, she recommended me to wait for 6 weeks until I start praying. Now that I am at the end of my sixth week, I am still having the brown discharge after the 5 week long heavy bleeding. Should I start praying or not? Please advise.
Q: I was reading an answer you gave to a lady that asked a question about what is the correct way to spend your day. I felt deeply disappointed with your answer.
How could any female stay at home and cook, clean and look after their children all day everyday? Do you not think that would make her feel depressed and her self esteem would suffer because she is worthless now? That is oppression!
1. A woman has a discharge problem all the time. Sometimes the discharge is clear and at times it is a yellow colour. If she has her haidh for 7 days i.e. blood and brown discharge and after the 7th day she starts her normal discharge i.e. clear for a little while and then yellow then will this yellow discharge be haidh?
2. Should she wait for ten to pass and then take a ghusl ?
Q: Can two na-mahrams live together? I will live with my brother in law (husband's younger brother).
Q: Is there any Shar'i hukum for a widow who completes her iddat. Is she supposed to do any thing at the end of iddat?
Q: If a woman has menses or haiz for 6 or 7 days and takes ghusl after seeing the white discharge. Since the white discharge is normally slightly yellowish in color during her pure days. If she sees a slight yellowish discharge on her undergarments, will it be counted as haiz and does she have to perform ghusl again?
Q: Can a woman read wazifas or amaliyaat which are aayat from the Quraan Shareef in the state of haid or nifaas?
Q: I would like to ask can I read wazifa of ya wadoodo 125000 whilst on my menstrual cycle?
Q: I work in a care home. I just want to know if it is permissible for me to care for men giving them all care needs.