
Woman spotting after performing umrah

Q: A woman is currently in Makkah Mukarramah. She has completed her umrah etc. and she spotted just once after Zuhr Salaah. Since then, she has not seen any blood or spotting and more than 24 hours have passed. She has completed more than 15 days of tuhr and it could be her haidh. What does she do? Can she perform tawaaf in this condition?

Performing tawaaf-e-ziyaarat without wudhu

Q: If a person performed tawaf e ziyarat, and then he went back to his home country and he realized that his wudhu was broken because of blood/puss coming out from an old ear infection. Is it obligatory or not to repeat the tawaf-e-ziyarat?

If the person did not repeat tawaf e ziyarat with wudhu, and also did not pay damm/fadiya for this penalty, is this tawaf e ziyarat accepted for Hajj? Is the Hajj valid because there are three obligatory acts (فرض) in Hajj, Niyah/Niyat, Arafat and tawaf-e-ziyarat.