Performing the 2 rakaats waajibut tawaaf after Fajr and Asr
Q: Is it permissible to read the two rakaats after tawaaf after Fajr and Asr?
Q: Is it permissible to read the two rakaats after tawaaf after Fajr and Asr?
Q: A woman is currently in Makkah Mukarramah. She has completed her umrah etc. and she spotted just once after Zuhr Salaah. Since then, she has not seen any blood or spotting and more than 24 hours have passed. She has completed more than 15 days of tuhr and it could be her haidh. What does she do? Can she perform tawaaf in this condition?
Q: Can a person perform 2 tawaafs and then read both waajibut tawaaf salaah afterwards?
Q: When making tawaaf for Umrah, men are required to make Ramal in the first 3 circuits. Do I need to make Ramal when I am making tawaaf at other times?
Q: Is it necessary for a woman to be with her mahram to perform tawaaf e ziyarah and saee. I know women can't perform hajj without a mahram. But does he have to be with her physically for the above 2 actions to be valid for her or can she perform the above mentioned actions alone while her mahram is in the hotel.
Q: If we are doing hajj al tamattu - we perform umrah when Zul Hijjah starts and then remove ihraam and then wear ihraam again and go to Mina.
1. In tawaf e ziyarat, do we need to perform saee again?
2. Is tawaf e wida after 3 days of rami compulsory?
Q:In Makkah, is it permissible to wear the ihraam without the intention of umrah to be allowed to make Tawaaf on the mataaf as only people that are in ihraam are allowed currently on the mataaf.
Q: The saudi goverment has placed a law that unless you are in ihraam, you cannot perform tawaaf on the mataaf. When in ihraam, a man is not allowed to touch the kabah ghilaf, etc. due to the itr that is on it. In this case can one wear the ihraam and perform the tawaaf even if one is not performing an umrah? If not, how can we work around it?
Q: If a person performed tawaf e ziyarat, and then he went back to his home country and he realized that his wudhu was broken because of blood/puss coming out from an old ear infection. Is it obligatory or not to repeat the tawaf-e-ziyarat?
If the person did not repeat tawaf e ziyarat with wudhu, and also did not pay damm/fadiya for this penalty, is this tawaf e ziyarat accepted for Hajj? Is the Hajj valid because there are three obligatory acts (فرض) in Hajj, Niyah/Niyat, Arafat and tawaf-e-ziyarat.
Q: Whilst making tawaaf, is it permissible to be carrying one’s sandals in a plastic or cloth bag in one hand or in a shoulder bag? Otherwise, there is always a risk that the sandals would, in all most probability, go astray as has been my experience in the past.