

Q: I saw in a dream last night that I am holding two red colour bangals (chooriyaa) and some golden colour jewelry also.


Q: I had a dream in which, someone asked me to recite,' Bismillahi tawakkaltu Allah-lah La haula wala quuwata illa billah' once and blow on water and drink. What is the meaning of this dream, I saw this dream in the last part of the night.


Q: I had a dream that my aunt got mad at me because I was playing with my cousins braas and then my uncle who was my aunts husband was sitting there and listening.


Q: I saw a dream I was standing in my balcony watching the sky. Some thing was written with clouds. I was elated to see them. I was trying to interpret what was written. Suddenly a flying snake, grey coloured came from the sky entered into my home through the balcony. My mom and brother panicked. They were trying killing it with broom, it was killed and was alive again. It wasn't causing any harm. It was in my lounge. And I wasn't afraid of it I was asking my mom not be afraid of it too, It would cause no harm to us. (The speed of snake was too fast when it was flying, it was small, grey coloured).


Q: I had a dream early part of the morning, my bottom front teeth were loose and my upper tooth at the very back was removed. What does this mean? I am having marital issues. I don't know if I need to start looking for a home if I'm still going to be here. What does this dream mean? 


Q: I saw a dream, I can't remember everything. In a dream I saw a hole with a plant in a garden. I heard a voice saying there is a hole there because of sins committed.

Eating food in a Dream

Q: I saw two dreams. Both of them I was eating food, my mother told me eating food in dreams is no good. Another person told me that it means
someone wants to do something bad against you. Can you tell me what it means to eat food in dreams?


Q: I want to ask for a dream interpretation on behalf of my mother as she saw the dream. The dream is as follows:-

  1. It is raining heavily and there are many small fishes in water. She says the the fishes seems very happy and enjoying the water.
  2. My mother is sitting with my late grandfather. My mother is telling my grandfather," abba ye inki (my father's) saari zindagi ki mehnat hai"( father, this is the gist of his whole life), so my grandfather is nodding his head saying yes and smiling. There is contruction work going on and there are three labours constructing a very long wall.


Q: My daughter dreamt of the Qur'an lying on the floor and she picked it up and when she opened it the scriptures of the Qur'an was in gold and the outside cover of the Qur'an was covered in the material of the kabaa cloth. Please tell me what does this mean?