

Q: I saw a dream that I am walking through some streets with houses.At one of these houses there was a vicious dog chained and barking at me.As I got closer it bit my right hand.I looked around and saw that the whole neighbourhood was full of dogs and I thought to myself "There are so many dogs here,how am I going to get out of this place".Just then I started reciting the Quran (from memory,I did not have the quran with me).As I was reciting I started rising up in the air until I could see the houses,streets and dogs below.At this point I stopped rising further and started making the zikr "Allahu Allah,Allahu Allah" to remain there.I then saw my aunty down below looking at me and wondering how I can fly when reading the Quran.She then phoned Mufti Ebrahim Salejee there at the Darul Uloom to ask him if it is permissible to fly when reading Quran and Mufti Saheb said "Yes".Her daughter then came and they were saying that they are going to also read Quran and see if they will also be able to fly. Can Mufti Saheb please interpret this dream?


Q: I had a dream last night which had my late grandad in it. My mum was in the dream too. Upon meeting him he mentioned to my mom that he has not forgiven her. I don't understand because to my knowledge when my grandad passed away he was happy with all of us including my mum.


Q: I dreamt that I was in a foreign country (South Africa) (and basicaly I am from Pakistan). There I happily met with my beloved teacher, I smiled and said finaly i'm in South Africa. I asked him to help me to get papers as per law of this county. He says do you have passport? I said no I don't have passport. Then he says you must have Passport to get your papers prepared. I got worried, I was willing to go back home, but he says its not near and easy to go back home. I see some kind of hills and ditches to the backway. I was just worried and thinking that why I didnt prepare a Passport in Pakistan. Then i woke up. What does my dream mean?

Dreaming about getting married

Q: I am 28 years and not married. I keep on dreaming that I'm getting married or I am married but each time its a different guy. I've never seen them before. Can you please tell me what does this mean and the guy I'm working with, he is a black guy. I had a dream that we were in the shop, it was dark and there was a snake there. When I called him he killed it. What I don't understand is he also dreamt about a snake and his mother also and he killed them all that time. I don't know why did I dream about him. How is it related to me and what does it mean.


Q: I have had this dream a few days ago. I saw myself, my dad and my mom in a home unfamiliar to me. There were helicopters revolving around our home, which I could see through the window. They were there for some security reason perhaps. Then some people (they were in security officer's outfit as far as I remember) from the helicopter came over our place. I received them. That unknown officer asked me about my dad, I got scared that why was he asking of my dad so I made an excuse that daddy was asleep but eventually he met my dad and that officer turned out to be really nice which was quite ironic. My dad really liked them. Then I was in the kitchen with my mom helping her with the food and washing glasses which were dusty. My dad invited them again to our place and they said next time they would come for lunch. I live with my mom and dad. I hope this dream doesn't have negative connotations. 


Q: I had a dream in which I saw me and my brother were standing outside my uncle's (my father's younger brother) home. Many small snakes were creeping to the top of the home. I request for the interpretation of this dream.

Death in a dream

Q: I saw a dream in which I saw our Ameer saheb of tableegh jamat of students dead. His name is Yaseen. I saw his dead body and people around were preparing for his ghusl or giving him ghusl which I don't remember exactly. I also noticed that there is some kind of wound on his feet. After some days I actually met him and he is perfectly fine ad in good health. I request for the interpretation of this dream.


Q: I had a dream that I was in a taxi going somewhere and the taxi suddenly fell from a cliff I knew that my end has arrived so after this I felt that I was in my last stages of life and the soul was leaving the body. I was as though agitated in the dream and feeling the pangs of death and repeatedly I was reciting the Kalima within my  heart and saying in my heart that I have not fulfilled the Haq of worshipping Allah and that I am a great sinner please forgive me my Allah. Eventually I felt in the dream that the soul was pulled right to my chest and I was breathing heavily as if I was taking my last breaths in this temporary life of this world and I was repeatedly reciting the kalima in my heart and in this condition I woke up shaken up a little and I sat and pondered for a while that indeed death will certainly claim my life immediately after awakening from this dream at fajr time.


Q: I have an 18 year old son and I saw him in a dream with beard hair growing which is longer than the one he has now.


Q: I saw a dream in which I am crying and sharing my problem with my dead  grand mother and she is also crying after knowing my pain.