

Q: Yesterday I saw a dream in which my mother was asking me to get into water. I was reluctant to enter myself in the water, but she was forcing me to do so. When I got myself into water it was till my upper knees or knees and I said to my mom that its too deep.


Q: Yesterday I had a dream as me and my brother went to the market and it was full with lighting and all but we didn't buy anything. Then I saw myself standing in a row near by some dargah and some body told to sit besides and I sat and today I had a dream that I was at my taima's home with simple dress with no make up and all are well dressed and my taima got angry on me that I didn't dress well as there's a party is in her home. After this I went to my phupi's home to get ready while going I saw an elephant and when I reached, phupi's home was with lighting and all. Please interpret this dream.


Q: I saw the dream that me, my mother, brother and sister in law were going somewhere and walking on the road. I saw tofu (it was green in colour) shop and I asked mother to buy that and then we went at some place and searching the register and might have entered our details then asked someone where is the owner of this place. He didn't reply anything. After this my brother bought tofu and showed my mother. When my mum was checking it, it turned into raw meat. Mum was saying it's like a meat.


Q: Today I saw a dream that I met with a doctor but she doesn't look like a doctor. She was sitting in open place. She checked me and said that I got incurable disease i.e aids and said she has to check more and have to do sonography but I was feeling unconscious after listening to it and left the place to die and was feeling I spoilt my life in this world and also hereafter. After this I saw myself along with my relatives and my sister in law took me and my mother to her home but there was transportation so she made a call to one of the auto drivers. Auto came and she seated her children in that and we also sat in it. I was not feeling to go along with her so I told my mother that I will go back then sister in law gave 20 rupees to me and I left to my relatives place. I can't remember anything more. Can you please let me know what this dream means. I would be grateful if you could interpret this dream.


Q: I had seen a dream that my cousin brother is giving me some jasmine flowers. He said that this flower is from Rasullaha (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). What is the meaning of this dream? My cousin brother died a few years ago.


Q: I saw a dream in which I was supporting two helpless men. They both were lame/handicapped. One was old and another was young. I was helping them to walk to the building. Please tell me what it means. May Allah reward you. JazakAllah


Q: I had a dream that I was in a lake with 2 sahabas, one on my right the other one on my left. There was a an enemy kuffaar behind the sahabi on the right and he kept throwing a spear at the sahabi. Every time it came close to the sahabi I kept on sending it back with my mind. Then eventually I appeared by the Prophet  Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam and there was a group of Sahaba around Him. I went to the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam and he hugged me and then we started talking and making plans for something (war?). Can you please interpret this dream?


Q: I dreamt that I just came out of the Musjid while going home I started flying then looked up into the sky and put my hands out like dua thinking of Allah. Then Allah dropped some gold coins in my hand but it wasn't like normal because there was like a glitter with it and I felt like this is for barakah in my business which I am doing from home but I am struggling with right now. I don't know if this is any sign for me or maybe just nothing please let me know.