

Q: I had a dream just before I woke up for fajar salaah. I am with my family (my mother, father, brother and some cousins) and we are walking through a hospital corridor. It is as if we are going to visit my ex husband who has been in hospital since we divorced. I am not keen on visiting and feel nervous on seeing him and his reaction to seeing me. Initially we can not find his name on the patient list but then we find him in the hospital ward. He is in a bed with his blanket covering him and he is just peeking his head out from the left side of the blanket. I do not have any sympathy for him as I think it was him who divorced me on the saying of his family and I gave him plenty of chances to change his mind. My mum lays down on one of the hospital beds and starts to says she is not feeling well, my niece is sitting on a chair and also says she is not feeling well. I get worried about them both thinking I hope they have not caught a bug from the hospital.


Q: Can you please interpret my dream. I had two dreams in one night. Both before fajr salaah. Both dreams had one particular man in it.

First dream: I am standing inside a building when this man comes from behind me and takes my hand and guides me outside of the building into the backyard of the building. There is a small stream (small river flowing) the water is ankle high and crystal clear. There is no sign of dirt in the water. In the ground under the stream I realise there are few seeds sown in the ground. The man holds my hand looks extremely happy. Then I notice that that the stream gets a little higher up to (just below the knee) and the stream develops a few waves. So I think to myself that there may be a risk of a crocodile being in the water. So I take the mans hand and walk out of the stream. Just then I woke up. I said istaghfaar and aaoozubillah three times. Asked Allah to protect me from shaitaans influence and slept again.

In my second dream I saw this: I saw I am sitting on my sofa in my lounge room. I am wearing a white head scarf. I am doing zikr of Allah. In front of me is my phone. In the dream I know in my heart the same man from the earlier dream is going to call. So I just wait for his call. Suddenly the phone rings. I pick up the phone. The same man tells me that he wants to come to my house tonight to ask for my hand marriage. I say to him that he is welcome. Just then a friend of mine with her family arrives and knocks on my door. Her children make noise. So the man on the phone hears the kids and arrival of friends and says he won't come tonight. I say to him the following words to the effect " you can come tonight its fine. If not will you come tomorrow? " in response his exact words were: " as to when I should come, we can debate on it later" so in the dream I think to myself he will come in the next few days. Then I wake up. Just want to add that both my dreams occurred on the same night before fajr and both are very clear in my mind. The man in my dream; I have never met him in real life. Jazakallah khair


Q: I had a strange dream around Fajr time. I saw that my former neighbour (a non-practising Muslim) died and before dying, he became insane and said to my father that he (my neighbour, not my father) became a kaafir. Then his daughters were crying and his family brought bread to my family twice.


Q: I usually have dreams about someone or a terrorist trying to kill me and I recite "la illaha illa allah" because I have a feeling (in my dream) that I will die in any second. For example in one of them I was running away from a bomb and saying la ilaha ila allah. I have seen these kind of dreams maybe three times.


Q: I saw a dream that a plain clothes police man is looking for some criminal or bad guy and he had gun in his hand. I was around there and when I saw him I sat down to hide from him (police) but he saw me and thought that I am that bad guy so he pointed the gun towards me and fired. I felt that it hit my body and felt burning inside me and I thought I would die, but I didn't see any blood coming out and immediately I woke up. Please advice me on this. JazakAllah.


Q: Please may I have my dream interpreted as it is very confusing and to be honest makes me a little nervous.

1) I dreamt I was in an unknown house with many people. A family of whom I was familiar with in the dream but not i​n reality. I did not recognise any of them. The house was spacious, clean and white inside. Then from out of nowhere a man wearing a small pointed hat - what seemed to be something out of Arabian nights came in through the window. He had flown in. He had a short brownish beard, fair in complexion and was medium in build. He ran through the house touching or marking everyone and as he did this there was a bright light and the people whom he touched went to sleep and had white clothes on. In the meantime I was worried for my niece (from my husbands side) who was upstairs with her baby. I ran up the stairs came to the room where the baby was and saw how happy and content he / she was - this baby was just glowing. My niece just stood there as so did I. The unknown man reached us, raised his right arm and a beam of light came from him and touched the baby. There was a bright light which covered us all and we too were all wearing white garments. I said "this is wrong you are not allowed to make someone immortal? he replied " IT is DONE" and left. I am confused as I did not feel it was a bad thing but at the same time was a little scared and overwhelmed.

The second part of my dream my children and I were in a car or some kind of vehicle which was floating in the sky. Next minute I was on the ground looking up wondering where it was going. Then I saw myself landing the vehicle and we all got out and went into a school. I did not recognise the school nor the children or teachers. Only my children. We were all laughing and talking and the environment was a happy one. Here I was looking for someone. Not sure if it was my children or a friend? I do not feel that this dream was a bad dream but still feel very nervous. 


Q: I helped in the decapitation of my elder brother. This I saw in the morning in a dream and while I was sleeping on the same day in the evening I was captured by Taliban, they didn't decapitate me but yes they left a comrade of mine free and I was looking out of a window while they were preparing to decapitate me. What does this all mean and secondaly I have seen a lot of be headings by these loser Talibaan.


Q: I recently had a dream that bricks were being placed in Masjid un Nabwi and there was a competition between who would place the last brick. The competition was between me and someone else and to win we had to recite a Surah from the Quran. I don't remember which it was but I know it was one I have learnt by heart. However when it came to reciting it I was unable to. (I learnt the last para of the Qur'an however I have forgotten many of the Surahs from there but in the dream it seemed like a small Surah that I should've known).


Q: I had a dream yesterday. I saw my mum's sister (Alhamdulilah she is alive). I saw her in a white long dress almost like a big kaftan not seeing her awrah but it almost looked silk with lots of glittering sequences on there. She looked really beautiful mashallah.

Dreaming of animals

Q: I have a lot of dreams of animals. Recently I had a dream where I am in another country and I go into a take away shop with three other men, I can not remember but my thought is that one of the men is my fiancé. (In real life this is not true as I am just recently divorced). He protects me so people think he is my marham. The take away is not very nice it has different types of battered fried fish including cod and prawns and chips but the food is all black and I see some of the cooked prawns moving. Before we order anything a big brown bear comes from the back of the take away, I get scared and run away as I am scared it may attack me. Before this I had a dream where I enter a school assembly and in front of me I see 2 lioness sitting on the seats. The person sitting next to them is stoking them. I fear what if they become violent and I leave the assembly to go home quickly. As I am doing this I hear a rush of people running from the assembly as the lionesses have done exactly what I feared, I think about how to get home but then I run to see if anyone is hurt and to hide. Previous to this I have seen tigers and dogs and lions in my dream. What is the meaning and how can I protect myself if this is bad.