
Dreaming of cats

Q: I am constantly dreaming of cats. In these dreams, I communicate and talk to cats in a friendly manner and we become friends. The cat speaks to me as well. It will then happen that there is some great urgency/need and both of us have to attend to the matter. This either entails looking for other cats (that have gone missing) or running away from some danger whereby I have to save the cat from harm. Many a time, I am carrying the cat like how one carries a baby against ones chest. The lost cat is either in my house, or elsewhere outside. The cats are not scary, or black. They are often white and very cute.


Q: I saw a dream after fajar I am at my brothers house. My dad has made a lamp chomp curry which is perfect and he has made me a chappati. My dad goes in the living room and takes my food. In the living room there is a lady I have not Seen before and she has two children. She has a baby girl who is about 2-3 months old. I am playing with her on the floor, giving her kisses, she is very cute. She roles over and we are amazed that she has learnt this. I think to myself I am not going to wait now I am going to tell my husband I want to try for a baby now (in reality I have just got divorced and I am in my iddah period). I sit next to my dad and ask for my food. I see my dad has eaten half of it. I tell him don't worry I will go and get some more and make another chappati. I go in the kitchen, my brothers wife comes down she is getting ready to go out with my mum and my brother comes in he is looking for something. I ask them if they want to eat the curry and I will make them a chappati. My brother says yes.


Q: I had a dream after fajar that I am in a strange house and there is a man there giving people tours. The house has lots of kangaroos in it. Some I am able to touch and others I am a little scared of.


Q: I had a dream before fajar that it is a lovely sunny day and I somehow jump on the the roof of my house and I am looking in to my neighbours garden.


Q: I saw a dream that it's tahajjud time and I am on the roof with my family. It's raining and I am asking Allah to shower more rain so it started raining even more, then I saw the table which was full of meals and some one is asking me to eat the sehri to satiation.


Q: One of my relatives did istikhara for her daughters marriage and saw a dry coconut in the dram. She is very confused about that dream and unable to decide. Can you please tell the tabeer of this dream?


Q: I dreamt of my mamu handing over to me an envelope of money. In real life he has been hospitalized and under went the major surgery.


Q: I had a dream where I go to a car mechanic but he cuts my hair short. I then go to a real hairdresser who washes my hair and trims it further. I dry my hair and it looks really nice.


Q: I had a dream in the early part of the night where I am with my farther and a lady. We are walking though a house and come to a hut. Inside the hut I can see there is a tiger. The lady says she knows the tiger she helped him so he is friendly with her. I think in my mind the tiger maybe hungry now so may not be friendly. I tell my dad I am going to go on and to come quickly with the lady. I go to a point and my dad follows. I ask my dad where the lady is and he says he thought she was behind me. I run back fearing for her life. I come to what was the garden of my childhood home. The scenes there is very horrible I see a baby tied up and I see the tiger who has eaten up the the lady. I feel very sad and angry at how she must have suffered.