

Q: I have a dream After fajar that me and my ex husband have got back together. We come into his house and we get ready to go out again. I have 2 hand bags and can not find my red purse in either. I say to my ex husband I can not find my pursue and that I will have to go with out it. I take one of my hand bags without my purse. We then get in to his car and he reverses it back and crashes it in to a wall. I get out the car and survive but my ex husband falls down the side of the wall with the car. He gets back up with little injury. I go with him in to his uncles house where he is looking for something. His uncles wife comes downstairs and is really pleased to see me back and gives me a big hug. In her happiness she wants to give us something to eat. I can see in the kitchen she has chappati dough and flour she says asks us if she should make it for her or she offers us something sweet to eat. My husband is in a hurry and so declines and we both leave and get into the back seat of a car. There are three people in the front seats. A husband and wife couple and another man. I have never seen these people in real life but in the dream they are imagined to be related to my ex husband. I am eating a white chocolate muesli bar as we go on our journey. We go on to the highway and on both sides of the road there are various laser red lights shining on the floor which are speed checkers. At that point I wake up.


Q: I had a dream which I am not sure what it means. I dreamt a young man about 25-30 years old whose face is covered with blood and whose legs are amputated. I passed by near him and I found myself falling on the ground. He was looking at me. I looked at my thighs and shoes to see if blood did not get on them. There was no blood on me. There was another man trying to help the injured man on the ground. Later I heard the injured man saying he is fed up people looking at him (referring to me). He got up which was odd actually because earlier he was amputated. Please Sir i'll be very grateful and thankful to you if you could interpret that dream for me. Thank you in advance.


Q: There is a Muslim girl in my school who is interested in me. However, I don't want to commit any haraam things so I've never spoken to her directly and I try even not to think about her deliberately. I saw a dream around Fajr time in which I said to this girl that she should ask her parents about her desire and then I saw in the same dream that her father sent me two big English dictionaries by post.


Q: My parents want me to marry some guy, so I did an istikhara and in my dream I saw a hen lay a egg without shell, so then the white egg is rolled in black soil, I also saw my sister wearing a sari with a white blouse. Can you help me because I can't understand if this person is going to be good to me.


Q: I had the following dream after fajar which I hope you can provide a interpretation for: I am In a bank in America with my mother and I am asking them to convert £4000 in to dollars. The lady is saying she can not do such a large amount and can only do £2000 today. I say that I am not here long so need the full amount converted, but she insists she still can not. I am then in another house (it is not familiar to me) there is a lady there whose child is around 5 years old and he is being sick in his hand. She takes him outside. I go and get some tissue and a glass of water to give her and ask her if he is ok and if I can do anything. She says thanks and that he is fine now. The next part is that I am again in a living room with two colleagues from work, one who is my boss the other is on a telephone to a man and they are talking about me. The speaker on the phone is loud that I can hear the conversations clearly. The man is saying that he is not convinced in my ability to do the job my boss indicates to the colleague on the phone that the volume on the phone is too loud and I can hear it. I am upset about this. On top of this I am also worried in my mind as I am thinking that my ex husband is coming around soon to tell me something and my colleagues do not know we are not together anymore. The next part of the scene is that I am in a bedroom (not familiar to me) I am thinking about what I am going to do with my life as it seems like me and my boss are not friends anymore. I think about another job but then I thing just because we are not friends it does not mean I have lost my job and that I will continue to go back into work.


Q: I dream that I am defecating in my bathroom when people come in including my sister in law my nieces and some people I do and don't know. It is like they are having a meeting and do not see it strange that I am on the toilet, or they do not notice. I feel a little embarrassed and wonder how I am going to wash myself. I clean a little and then pull my pants and clothes back thinking I will come back later to wash myself and change my clothes. I come back later to clean and I see red blood like stains on my pants, it is like I have started menstruation. Kindly please inform me of its meaning.


Q: I had a dream after fajar but can only remember parts of it. I am in my mothers old bedroom sleeping on the floor with my mother. There is a bed in the room but my mothers Aunty (who has passed away some years back) and the aunts daughter in law are sleeping on the bed. I am planning in my head that I will take everyone to the cemetery later in the day as that is what my mothers Aunty wants. I then see that I am in my ex husbands old kitchen and it is like my family have moved into it. I am looking to make breakfast. On the cooker is a small frying pan which is broken in half in my mind I think my mum burnt it and broke it trying to make something. I am looking to poach a egg so go in to the cupboard to find a pan and lid. I see some glass pans but the lids for the pans do not seem to fit . Their are some other lids for different pans one of which somewhat fits the pan so I think of using this one if I can't find the proper lid for the glass pan. The last part of the dream I remember is that I leave the house I am currently living in with a white lady she has really nice curly ginger hair (I have not seen her in real life) get into her new red car, I point out to her that my ex husbands brother just seen us. I look in the mirror and see that I am wearing hijab which I did not realise. We drive of as we are making a turning a blue car starts reversing back to turn itself around but luckily does not hit us and we go on our way.


Q: At Fajr time I dreamt that my granny passed away. I would like to know what this would mean as my granny is deceased.


Q: I have a question about a dream my brother in-law dreamt that he was fighting with a short bald evil looking man who didn't have eyes just the round sockets after this dream he has become very afraid of sleeping and wants to know the meaning of this dream so please if you could help us we will be much grateful shukran.


Q: I had a dream right after the azaan for Fajr. I was in a place where my family around the world where together, I knew it wasn't home, but I had a room. I knew it was a family reunion, I saw a lot of women, I met some more. I remember different parts of the dream: We were in a car, it was parked and turned off, we were waiting for the family to get in the car, I was having a nice time. My husband was in the drivers seat, I was next to him. There was a cousin in the back seat. All of the sudden I saw in my dream that me and my husband had intercourse in the car, we forgot about the guy in the back seat, after we finished I remembered about the cousin. I never knew if he was still in the car or not, meaning if it was in private or not. Then I saw 3 passports, I knew who they were from. I only remember 2 of the names. Nagla and Issa (my cousins). Then I was going to take some of my aunts to eat to a restaurant, I was getting ready, I opened a drawer I saw a golden thick bracelet which was supposed to be mine, I grabbed it then I decided to leave it in the same place, so I closed the drawer and I left. After that I saw an uncle giving me ideas for a business, meanwhile I knew my 3 little kids boarded an airplane which was near by, and while I was listening to this uncle I knew my kids were in danger, I knew the airplane was falling, I started to look in the sky, to look for the airplane while I was feeling, I knew it was falling in circles, I imagined the airplane in my dreams, a white with blue airplane in the light blue sky, I knew about it although I was looking for it and never found it. I knew in my dream that it fell down to the garden or the floor. We where in a place with lots of gardens. Then I received a call from my sister in law telling me that my kids are fine and not to worry. She told me "Your kids are fine, don't worry". All of the sudden my oldest son came to me, he seemed in shock from what happened and glad he saw me. My little daughter came to me too with the same expression, and right after I saw my second son I woke up, so I couldn't see my 2nd son in my dream. I woke up Alhamdulillah and prayed fajr. Please let me know what it means.