Taubah and Repentance

Forgiveness for sins

Q: If we had committed any sin in the past and we are not sure if it was a sin, should we ask any Mufti or Aalim regarding that thing or just repent from all sins and move on in life believing Allah has forgiven us?

Thanking Allah Ta'ala for saving one from committing sins

Q: A person committed some mistake but alhmdullilah, Allah saved him from getting into a big mess. He thanked Allah but he gets thoughts that if he had avoided the mistake, things would have been different, etc. and dwells on his past. He always did some mistakes because of laziness or ignorance but Allah saved him. So, how should he thank Allah but not think of the mistake?

Taubah for a music producer

Q: I used to produce music and instrumentals but alhamdulillah I have repented from both listening to and making music. I am worried about the songs I released before, should I worry about them and try to get them deleted or am I free from it since I repented?

I also produced the background music for a podcast/show. I have sincerely repented from making any more music or sending/promoting my music. I feel absolutely horrible and I hope that this spread of my music doesn't come for me in my grave.


Q: I would like to ask the following question on repentance

1. Does repentance wipe out previous sins?

2. Am I always obliged to confess to the one whom I've wronged even if this might bring severe enmity?

3. How do I feel regret during repenting?