Drinking tea after an insect falls in it
Q: If an insect falls into a cup of tea, can you still drink the tea after removing the insect?
Q: If an insect falls into a cup of tea, can you still drink the tea after removing the insect?
Q: Is it jaaiz to eat the end part of a chicken wing?
Q: Is it permissible to consume naturally brewed soya sauce?
Q: Is it Sunnah to eat dates soaked overnight in water, in the morning?
Q: What is the importance of halaal food and how can halaal and haraam food affect your ibaadah and your taqwa?
Q: Is it permissible for a person to partake of a meal (from a fully halaal restaurant) gifted to one by a non-Muslim?
Q: If haraam growth regulators are injected into fruits after harvesting them (to make them bigger), will they come under the heading of Tabdeel-e-Maahiyyah, and will such fruits be halaal to consume?
Q: If fruits or vegetables are injected with growth regulators like Ethephon and Calcium carbide, will they be halal to consume?
Q: Is it makrooh to eat tripe and kidneys of an animal? Someone was told the tripe, organs which hold waste are makrooh to eat. Is it true?
Q: Is it permissible to consume multivitamins (vitaforce) that have the ingredient shellac?