
Delaying if a girl receives a good proposal

Q: I have questions for marriage of a girl 

1. If she does not like one proposal, does she have the right to say no to it? Or is it only the boys' family and her parents' decision? Likewise if she likes a proposal and after istikharaah her heart says yes but her parents say no, what's the ruling here? 

2. Let's say there is a good match. However, the girl's parents think that she is too young at the time, and also not mature enough. The boy is studying and it will take 2-3 years for him to complete studies for him and get a job. In this case if the two families think they're a good fit for each other what do the girl's side say? Yes, but not right now? Is that allowed? 

3. I heard (but I'm not sure about it) that there is a Hadeeth saying it is better when the proposal has been accepted that the boy should have one look at the girl. Two questions arise. One, is this hadeeth true (and can I please have the full hadeeth by word)? And two, is that what is only allowed? That the boy can take one look at the girl? Or (as I've also heard) the girl is also allowed to ask the boy to read one quranic verse? Does this have any relation to the mahr? 

Please explain to me in detail so I can understand. 

Asking a prospective groom to recite Quraan

Q: I would like to find out if it's permissible for the prospective groom, when seeing the girl, to be asked to recite a portion of the Quraan is he's a Haafidh. This is not to test his dhor but to hear his recitation of Quraan as I am a hifz student as well Alhamdulillah.

I desire a spouse who is affluent in deen and Quraan because my parents gave me this type of tarbiyah and I wish for the same for my progeny. I'm not worried about having the best of wealth and being extravagant. All I want in a marriage is a caring, deeni inclined, honest and chaste spouse who will be the best for my deen, dunya and aakhirah and I can be benefit to him and his family.

Girl dressing up a bit when a boy comes to see her for marriage

Q: When a prospective couple meet-under the supervision of the guardians to speak for the few minutes, as a muslimah in hijaab, I try to dress as simple as possible-to follow the sunnah and Sayyidinah Faatimah(radhiyallahu anha). My family has already requested me to dress up a bit (in a more smart Abaayah) when the boy comes to see me.

Would this be a sin to do such when the boy comes to see me? If I don't dress in a fancy Abaayah as requested, will I get a sin if I don't follow this request? I don't want to be disrespectful towards my elders.

Please advise the way forward

Informing one's prospective spouse about one's medical condition

Q: I was diagnosed with psoriasis 3 years back. When it initially came, it was bad where my body was almost covered with it. Upon taking the treatment biologics injections, it cleared rapidly in 2-3 months.

Since Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition I have to keep it in control and according to doctors it cannot be cured completely, but there are medications which can keep it in control. I know few people who have been cured from it (remission).

After this initial major outbreak, I was pretty much clear from it by the grace of Allah for the past 3 years.

Only this year, in 2023, it was a little bad for around 6 months where 5-8% of my body was covered, according to the doctor since i was off my medication for 1.5 years.

When I was on medication I used to get few plaques during winters which covered around 3% of the body and they got cleared in summers in 2-4 months. Rest of the months I was 99.9% clear of it.

Now I have started the medication again and it is in control where I have around 1-2% of involvement and hoping it will be cleared in 1-2 months inshallah. I take injections once every month now.

Other than this condition I am healthy and normal and I also work by Allah's grace.

I am planning to get married. Given my history of this condition should I inform my prospective spouse about this condition. I feel nobody will be interested after I inform them about it. So I am not able to take a decision due to this. Doctors told me that it is perfectly okay to get married living with this condition.

Prospective couple meeting and not delaying the marriage


1.When can a proposal be rejected in Islam?

2.Is it correct to ask for a prospective spouse who has a sunnah beard and sunnah dressing? I don't like a modern lifestyle because it's not what I am accustomed to nor brought up with.

3. How many times can a prospective couple meet under supervision if they need to discuss aspects of nikaah?

4. After the proposal a bride accepts, within how many days does one have to make nikaah... since it is emphasized in Hadith to hasten for nikkah to take place.

Informing a prospective spouse regarding an operation one underwent in which my one testicle was completely removed

Q: I underwent through orchiectomy, in which my one testicle is completely removed. My doctor said, one remaining testicle is usually enough for reproduction and sexual health. Alhamdulilah with the blessing of Allah, no further treatment is required as testicle tumor was in its very initial stage. I will only be under periodic surveillance in which scans and blood test will be conducted.

Now, I am planning to get married, so my question is, is it necessary to inform the girls family about this operation which I underwent. I dont want to tell them about this as it is quite embarrassing and will lead to confusion at their end. Please pray for my health and for my nikaah.