
The address of the Quran being applicable to both men and women

Q: My question is, why doesnt the Holy Quran speak directly to women? The Holy Quran speaks directly to men in several cases but why doesnt it speak directly to women. I am a Muslim and do believe that Allah is the greatest, kind and just and in no way believe that He favoured men over women. Therefore, I do know there must be a reason for why Allah did not directly talk to women in the Holy Quran as with men. I also know that in that age more men could read than women but Allah created the Holy Quran until the end of time not just for that age.

Body shaking while reciting Quraan

Q: After reciting any Quranic verses my body is reacting very awkwardly. It has never happened before. My head and upper body starts shaking and moving in a circular direction. The more I try to focus on the verses, the more badly my body shakes. I tried it once when I was outside the house, and at that time I almost felt breathless like air could not pass through my windpipe. I have been having weird kind off nightmares as well. I am really intrigued by why all this is happening to me. I really don't know what I am going through. When I don't recite any verses, I feel a bit okay but when I do, my head keeps shaking in a circular way.