Sun rising from the west before Qiyaamah

Q: My question is about sunset and sunrise. We learnt that one of the signs of Qiyaamat is that the sun will rise from the west. We know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but scientists say that it the earth is rotating around the sun. So the sun is not moving because the Earth is rotating on an axis around it.

In the Quraan or Hadith it is written that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west but before Qiyamat, it will rise in the west and set in the east. So this point is opposite of the reality that we know where the sun is actually not moving and is at the same place but the earth is moving. It seems that the Quraan and Hadith is contracting with the reality? How is it possible?

Investing in Kruger coins through FNB

Q: FNB offer a service where one can invest in Kruger Rand gold coins through them. They then store it for you at a fee of 0.86%pa.

-If one wants to sell the coin back to them, its done at the click of a button.
-If one wants the physical coin, they can arrange for it to be delivered to you at a cost.
-Prior to requesting the coin, I'm not sure if they keep the physical coin or not.

Please advise if it will be permissible to purchase a coin through them in this manner.

Meaning of the verse that Allah Ta'ala alone has complete knowledge of five things

Q: It is mentioned in the Quraan that there are five things which only Allah Ta'ala knows. The first is regarding when Qiyaamah will occur, the second is regarding when rain will fall, the third is regarding what is in a woman's womb, the fourth is regarding what a person will earn, and the last is regarding a person's time of death.

Nowadays, we can say when rain will fall by referring to weather forecasts. We can say whether a boy or girl is in the mother's womb by ultrasound. So when we have information regarding these things, then what does it mean when the Quraan says that only Allah Ta'ala has knowledge of these things?