Is owning an image different from creating or drawing an image?

Q: Is owning an image different from creating or drawing an image? I came to know that several Sahaabah and the grandson of Hadhrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (radhiyallahu anhu) owned a curtain that had a picture of birds and phoenix.

Also, several Sahaabah wore rings for stamping that had drawings of men with swords. Kindly clarify the issue.

Woman conducting an online course

Q: I am a woman and need to earn money. I have developed an online course that will not reveal my face but I need to record my voice explaining the content, and I cannot limit the course to only women (there is no way to do this on the online course platform). Though people will hear my voice, no one will know me. Is this halal?

I may also be able to use a software to change the pitch of my voice slightly (lower the pitch of my voice). Is this better?

Marrying a Christian woman

Q: We have a situation where a family member has married a Christian woman. He claims that she is a proper Christian therefore he made nikaah with her. Is it permissible for a Muslim male to marry a Christian woman in today's time?

According to my understanding, today most Christians are only Christians by name. They are not the Ahle Kitaab or like the Christians of former times. They don't know anything about their Christianity religion nor do they take their religion seriously. They don't go to church nor read their bible. They have become fully westernized and have accepted all the theories of the scientists like evolution, Dawin's theory, the big bang, etc.

Based on the above, my question is, is it still permissible to marry their women in today's time?