Meaning of the hadith regarding a Hafiz who will intercede on behalf of 10 people of his family

Q: The hadith regarding a Hafiz who will intercede on behalf of 10 people of his family...

The hadith mentions ''who were destined for Jahannum''.

Recently, a certain Apa conducting a Tafseer class had mentioned that this virtue is only for people who are already in Jannah (meaning the Hafiz can intercede on their behalf) and not for those who are in Jahannum (meaning the Hafiz won't be able to intercede on their behalf and they will remain in Jahannum).

Is this correct?

Buyer unsuccessful in contacting the supplier to pay off his debt

Q: I am inquiring in regards to business items I purchased from a supplier on a loan at a Business Expo. We had a mutual agreement to pay for the items on a later date. The supplier had provided me with his contact details to pay him back.

I had lost the suppliers number and cannot locate the person which I got the business items from. Also, I tried going to the Business Expo next year but the person did not come back the next year. I have tried going there for the past 4 years at the expo and the person has not come there. I am not sure if he has any relatives or friends either.

Please advise what I can do in regards to the money I owe him.

Breastfeeding while pregnant

Q: I have a one and a half year old daughter and my intention was to breastfeed her till she reaches the age of 2 as per the Islamic ruling.

However I have just found out that I am pregnant again, Alhamdulillah.

My question is: is it permissible for me to continue breastfeeding while pregnant, or is it advisable to stop asap?

Three talaaqs

Q: My husband first gave one talaq but we resume (ruju) our relation. After few weeks he gave 2 talaq in extreme anger which I didn't listen because he didn't say them clearly. When I said say out loud and clear he remained quite. Later he said I did't have the intention to give you talaq.

I have two kids of 4 and 5 years age. So what does Islam say in this situation if 3 talaqs are complete or we have to do another nikah because of kinaya talaq?