Suspending the talaaq

Q: I issued my wife with a verbal talaaq in my fit of anger and my negligence unfortunately. I know that's gone though. 

I then issued 2 suspended talaq as follows: 

1) If she tells anyone in my family or her family about our marital issues and problems then she will be divorced. 

2) If she drives a vehicle she will be divorced. 

Is it possible for me to revoke these suspended talaaqs? 

Is it possible to revoke these suspended talaaqs before the event takes place? 

Is it possible to revoke these suspended talaaqs after the event takes place? 

On another occasion I told my wife the following: "If you not back by 2pm I will divorce you" but I didn't divorce her. It was a threat. Is this counted as a talaaq?

Fardh ghusal for a person who has a medical device taped to his skin

Q: There is a device on the market which is attached to the skin. It gives you a continuous and real time reading of your blood sugar levels by which a diabetes patient will know when to take his insulin and how much insulin he should take. (Not over or under administering the medication) 

The device is quite expensive (removing & changing the device each time you require a farz ghusal will be very costly). The device has an adhesive tape by which it is attached to the skin thus preventing water from reaching underneath it. Will the farz ghusal of a person wearing such a device be valid if he makes masah only over the device and washes the rest of the body?

Selling an unclaimed collateral to retrieve one's money

Q: A year ago, I had a customer who wished to purchase an item for R1200. He only had R800. So he opted to leave his spare wheel with me. I told him that if you don’t come, I’m going to sell your spare wheel, he said yes, no problem, but I’m going to come. 

It’s been a year; I can’t get hold of him and he hasn’t come back. The spare wheel is worth about R2000. What should I do? Should I sell the spare wheel for R2000, take my R400 and give the remainder in Sadaqah, or should I sell it for R400?

Should one purchase a car or save up for Hajj?

Q: I sold my car two years ago. 

I have saved money. 

After looking at the price of second hand cars and the age of vehicles available, I took mashwara from a senior aalim and decided to take a loan for one year and buy a new car. The car is not cheap but cars are quite costly. So it's the second from an entry level. 

I intend purchasing the car in the next few weeks. 

I then went onto the hajj portal and it showed my name will come for the next hajj. When I had checked in July and I contacted sahuc, they said two years. 

I would like to know, am I not allowed to buy the car because I will be in debt and in no position to go for hajj when the time of hajj dawns. I will be paying the car till the end of 2025. 

The second issue is I am using the car from work and my boss is not a stable person so I fear that he's going to make an issue of me using the work car for such a long period 

I have also had an option to get the car slightly cheaper but there was a waiting period so because of my boss I decided let me rather buy it now.