Husband getting intimate with wife after issuing three talaaqs

Q: Date of Divorce Deed: The divorce deed was signed on August 24, 2024. 

Knowledge of Divorce: I was unaware of the divorce deed until September 15, 2024, when it was sent to me via WhatsApp. 

Marital Relations: My husband came to my house and slept with me on August 29, 2024, after the deed was signed but before I was aware of it. 

Pregnancy: I am currently 4 months pregnant. 

My husband gave me one divorce on October 11, 2022. The fatwa was issued that it was one divorce and we consummated our marriage within the period of 90 days. 

Now he sent a divorce deed in a WhatsApp message in which it is written that I give you divorce+divorce+divorce. The date mentioned on it is August 24, 2024. 

Is it a second divorce or divorce has happened completely. 

Kindly issue a fatwa regarding this.

Suicidal thoughts

Q: I'm writing to you because I really need answers to my question. About 3 years ago it started, I felt anxious and depressed, often thought about suicide. And it's been happening so far. I don't know what to do. I just feel hopeless, think about suicide a lot, even did self harm. I mean I wanted to cut my wrist. I want to die so bad, I really need help, what can I do? What should I ask from God that helps me to feel okay?

"Muslim" lesbian nikaah

Q: "Over the past weekend in Cape Town, a so-called 'Muslim' Lesbian couple made 'Nikaah'. A few queries: 

Islamically, what is the status of these girls? Is it correct to say they have committed Kufr and are out of the fold of Islam? 

Do the families of these girls excommunicate them or how must they be dealt with? 

If the parent/s of these girls condone this 'marriage', attended it and approved, what is the status of their Imaan? Have they also committed Kufr and left Islam? Does the family and society have to excommunicate them for this? 

Someone says, 'only Allah can judge', 'make Dua for them and they may return to Islam', 'we can't be harsh on them otherwise they may never listen', are these statements correct? 

Could Hazrat proffer Naseehat on this matter?

Reward of esaal-e-thawaab distributed among the marhooms

Q: When a person reads Surah Yaseen once, he gets the reward of reading the Quraan 10 times. If for example he makes the intention of isaale-thawaab for 10 people in his family when reading the surah, will they each receive the reward of 1 Quraan each, or 10 Quraans each? As in is the reward divided amongst them or each person gets the full reward? 

So when making intentions as well for isaale-thawaab, is there a difference between saying "all the marhooms" or specifically mentioning a person's name that you want the reward to be sent to?

Sadaqah of a murtad

Q: I wanted to enquire if Iman (faith) is a necessary condition for purification of wealth (giving in charity, to purify one's wealth, without expectation of reward)? 

If a person does not identify as Muslim anymore, and has apostatized, and does not believe in the religion (does not believe Islam is from God but instead that it is man-made), but still believes in the financial aspects of Islam (eg: giving in charity and purifying any ill-wealth), would his purification of wealth be considered valid (as he is not a Muslim)? 

Would he need to repeat this purification of wealth (whatever sums of money he gave in charity with the intention of purifying his wealth) if he does tawbah and returns to Islam?

Trading gold on the forex stock market

Q: I want to know if trading gold on the forex stock market is allowed? 

From my understanding... You are buying shares of gold that is in a gold bullion (equivalent to a shop). Gold prices fluctuate so you can either buy or sell gold daily... This gives u a profit/loss and you get your money daily. To know whether gold price is going to go up or down, careful market analysis is done daily to see where the support and resistance levels on the chart are. (So it's not really a guess or gamble if you read the charts according to what you learnt). The only time the market is unpredictable is when news events are on. Then the gold price does not follow the analysis (as business is unpredictable as well). 

I've heard that in order for it to be halaal, a physical exchange has to be done. But with today's technology, no physical exchanges actually do happen. Everything gets done digitally. 

So if physical exchange is a must, then are ALL investments haraam? Like the cattle investment, cattle feeding scheme investment, property investment and shares in big companies? Please advise