Surrogacy in Islam

Q: Is surrogacy allowed in Islam? Can an individual use his sperm and another lady's egg to be fertilised after which she will carry the baby on behalf of his wife?

In the case where it is your sperm and your wife's egg, can another woman be the surrogate mother? I would like to know the permissibility and the reason for permissibility if there is. Can the womb be used as a rental space to carry a child? Is it like being a milk mother? If the woman carrying the child for someone else is married, what will be the status of nikaah? Can the surrogate child be your mahram?

In 1975, the television was regarded as not permissible, and also certain gelatine were also referred to as not permissible, and today our fatwas have changed regarding many matters.

What is your view on surrogacy, as it is not a sperm entering another woman, but an embryo that is a totally different form? 

Ringtones with a musical tune

Q: Certain phones have ringtones which have a tune.

1. Is this considered as music and hence haram? Some are a basic tune e.g. the Nokia tune, the Samsung whistle tune.

2. If the phone is very basic and does not have any other options for ringtone apart from the musical tone, what should one do?

Woman taking maximum precaution when leaving the home

Q: I was touched inappropriately by a bike rider while I was on a street. I was wearing an abaya and hijab. Is it due to some of my misconduct that Allah punished me or show me that I should seek forgiveness. I'm trying my best to avoid Haram things and doings. Then why all this happened??

I complained to the police just to report the incident, but can't proceed because I know the police here isn't that much effective. Kindly assist. 

Duty to the musjid

Q: In my locality there was an AGM meeting held which I attended. It was at the madrasah building which is the yard of our musjid. The meeting ended at 8:15 pm just before the Azaan was called. Esha namaaz jamaat was at 8:30pm. Five minutes before namaaz jamaat in the musjid, the brothers decided to read their own jamaat and not join the jamaat namaaz in the musjid. Even perchance if this type of meeting had to continue after Azaan was given, I thought the better place to read namaaz is in the musjid which I did. I also thought that being people in the effort of Deen if someone had to see us reading namaaz separately from the main jamaat in the musjid, it would create confusion or if we had to continue the meeting and read a separate namaaz later, this would also create confusion. In Deen, we have to always look at rewards to motivate us and the Sunnat. I believe we have to instill in our children and people the importance of jamaat namaaz in musjid.

I have seen in the month of Ramadaan, there are some areas if the venue is walking distance to musjid, they first read their Esha in musjid, then move to the venue even if this delays their taraaweeh time, and I also see in Darul Ulooms and Madrasahs that are in or near proximity to the MUSJID, they stop their classes and take time of to make the students read their namaaz with jamaat in the musjid then continue with class. I am sure, to stop students from class and move them to the musjid is abit time consuming.

My question:

1. What is the reward of the reading namaaz in the musjid with jamaat and in a bigger congregation?

2. Is there any disrespect caused when reading another jamaat in the same yard as the musjid after Azaan or few minutes before the Azaan is called except if you a Musaafir (traveller) or urgelty need to set out for a journey or any dire necessities?

3. If the madrasah students who's madrasah is situated in the same yard of the musjid, observe smaller jamaat separately and not in the musjid, what will be the harm of the tarbiyat of those children?

4. How can I help rectify this in my community as it is really disturbing me?

Company outsourcing its employees to an Islamic Bank

Q: I am outsourced in an Islamic Bank in Abu Dhabi (UAE). Is my salary halal or haram? It if it is halal, then how much good or bad it is for my eternal life i.e. life after death, to work in an Islamic Bank?

My company, which outsourced me in the Islamic Bank is a big Information Technology Company and have outsourced about 15 more employees in the same Islamic Bank. These employees (my colleagues) are working for software development; and develop and test different software portals and websites for the same Islamic Bank. My responsibility is to develop software portals for different services of covered cards and sukuk bonds etc. to be used by bank employees (mainly operations’ department employees). Please provide your opinion and fatwa in this regards.

Secondly, the same Islamic Bank has given a 1000 AED gift voucher of to each of my team members, to show the gratitude towards the successful completion of the projects. Is it halal for me to utilize this gift voucher to purchase items for my home?