Comparison between Jannah and this world
Q: What will be found in heaven that is not found in this world?
Q: What will be found in heaven that is not found in this world?
Q: A few days ago I was asking my friend what mazhab she follows (like Hanafi, Shaafi, etc.) and she said that she doesn't know what that is. She said that I must explain it to her but I don't know how to explain it.
Could you please tell me how can I explain this to her?
Q: My question is about sunset and sunrise. We learnt that one of the signs of Qiyaamat is that the sun will rise from the west. We know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but scientists say that it the earth is rotating around the sun. So the sun is not moving because the Earth is rotating on an axis around it.
In the Quraan or Hadith it is written that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west but before Qiyamat, it will rise in the west and set in the east. So this point is opposite of the reality that we know where the sun is actually not moving and is at the same place but the earth is moving. It seems that the Quraan and Hadith is contracting with the reality? How is it possible?
Q: After divorce, the father pays the mother money every month for the maintenance of their daughter. The daughter stays with her mother. Is it the father’s responsibility to do all the grocery shopping for the mother and daughter?
Q: "People whose hearts are like the hearts of birds will enter Paradise" [Saheeh Muslim].
Is this a saheeh hadith? What does this hadith mean?
1. I wanted to know if it's permissible to look at the moon, as I heard something along the lines that one should not look at it because something regarding shaytaan.
2. Also, is it permissible to look at the shooting star, and if not, what's the reason?
Q: I live in Italy and all the sandwich bread I checked in the supermarket is “treated with ethyl alcohol”. Is this bread haraam or halaal?
Q: If I have treatment done on my face and cannot use water for nine hours, will tayamum suffice?
Q: Is it permissible to keep silkworms as a learning experience for children and for breeding purposes?
Q: In our town, the Imaam started reading Qunoot e Naazilah for more than a month because of Corona Virus. Is this correct? If it is not, please tell us how to explain to him and the rest of the musallis.