Leaving stray cats on the road

Q: A stray cat was living in our home since we gave her food. One day it was pregnant and came with 4 of her kittens and all of them were living in our house in a bathroom. We provided food and shelter for them. Later, we were not able to look after those stray cats as they grew up due to cleaning issues. Many dogs were around our house and we've seen other stray cats dying because of that. So we decided to take all of them including the mother to a street where there were people looking after other cats. One kitten grabbed my dress and cried to leave me. But I left it there. It is killing me till date. Now I don't know if the kittens are alive or dead.

Will Allah Ta'ala be angry at me for this inhumane act?

How can I compensate for this? We tried calling adoption centres and giving away to family but no one took it. 

The principles prepared by the Fuqahaa are deduced from the Quraan Majeed and Mubaarak Ahaadith

Q: Muslim jurists, 14 centuries back, have expounded certain new principles to carve out Islamic Law, coinciding with the modern theories of law. Can you please let me know what are those new principles? Are they rules of interpretations? Or are they juristic deductions? Or are they both rules of interpretations and juristic deductions?

Second wife forfeiting her right for her husband to spend every second night with her and reclaiming it

Q: I have taken a second wife - but before I had married her we had an agreement in place that I will not stay every second night with her. Now she is demanding that right. She is a revert. She said that she didn’t know how hard it was going to be a second wife. She knew from the beginning the Islamic laws of 2nd wife.

Is she valid in her argument and can she change her mind and do I have to now fulfill her right?

Some heirs giving their shares of the inheritance to other heirs

Q: My wife has passed away. Her heirs to her inheritance are: I (Her husband), three daughters (who are in S.A). Other heirs are: her brother and sister who are in India.When I told them about their share of inheritance and asked for their banking details they insist that I should give their shares to my three daughters. Is this permissable?