Virtue of reciting ten aayaat at night

Q: I received the following Hadith:

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “The one who recites ten aayaat at night will not be written from those who are unmindful (of the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala).”

I would like to know which ten aayaat of the Holy Quraan are supposed to be recited.

Taking out medical insurance to do a liver transplant

Q: I currently live in Bangladesh. My father suffers from liver cirrhosis. I have plans to do Masters or PhD in USA. It is recommended for my father to do liver transplant but currently the liver transplant is not available in Bangladesh and in India it will cost 1-1.5 crore Bangladeshi Taka(currency), which is out of my reach.

When I start PhD in US, will it me permissible for me to buy an insurance for my father, take him to US and do the liver transplant and then send him back to Bangladesh? I cannot find any Takaful Health Insurance in US and don't know how the rest of the insurance work there.

Will it be permissible in a case like this? 

Men staying at home during ladies taleem

Q: Ladies taleem is arranged at different houses each week for 45 minutes. When taleem is at a specific house, can the men of the house still be there, in another room, as long as they don't interact with the ladies doing taleem? So as long as the men stay in another room, and dont walk pass the ladies, or directly overhear them, will it be ok? Or must the men leave the house entirely before the ladies arrive?