Forcing people to wear the mask

Q: There is a view amongst some Muslim Scholars during this Covid Pandemic that one should have Tawakkul and ignore the government protocol and recommendations. Even our children in Madrasah are being told to remove their masks, while their schools insist on masks being worn.

Did our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and his noble Sahabah (radhiyallahu anhum) not wear body armour for protection in preparation for wars? In doing so, did they not have Tawakkul? If these were worn to offer some protection why is our wearing masks and exercising social distancing viewed by some as having no faith in Allah Ta'ala?

The statistics speak for themselves - Muslims make up around 2% of the South African population but account on some days for close up to 30% of the fatalities countrywide. Should the Ulama not be cognizant of this and guide the community accordingly?

Two shareholders putting in extra money to bring down the share price in a cow

Q: A family wishes to slaughter a cow for qurbaani. However, some of the members are on a budget. In order to please the parents, can 2 shareholders put in extra to bring down the share price of the others, making it affordable? (e.g. The purchase price of the animal with which the parents are happy is R28 000. 2 shareholders will pay R5000 each and the rest will pay R3600.) Only the 2 shareholders paying more is aware of the extra and keeping it a secret from the others not to offend them and also to keep them happy.

Thanking Allah Ta'ala for saving one from committing sins

Q: A person committed some mistake but alhmdullilah, Allah saved him from getting into a big mess. He thanked Allah but he gets thoughts that if he had avoided the mistake, things would have been different, etc. and dwells on his past. He always did some mistakes because of laziness or ignorance but Allah saved him. So, how should he thank Allah but not think of the mistake?

Creating a fake social media account and posting that one is divorced

Q: A person created a fake Facebook account and to pass time and for fun he posted an ad for marriage where he showed that he is divorced and he talked to many people where he mentioned that he was a divorced but in fact he was not.

In this case, is he divorced? He did not show his real name and identity not his wife's identity.