Fear of impurity spreading if a sanitary nappy moves slightly

Q: I would like to know my state of cleanliness because I am unsure. Due to my current illness, I have to wear specific sanitary items/nappies for urine leaks. I bought a new type of sanitary nappy and saw that the edges sat tightly around my body. However, at night when I turned, it moved a tiny amount. These nappies have inside cuffs that sit on the groin area for urine to stay inside, and then you have a tight elastic on the edge.

My question is, if the edge moved slightly, does this mean my clothes or hands are affected by the impurity if they get in contact with that area?  

Is Mina part of Makkah?

Q: I have read a fatwa of Darul Uloom Deoband that Makkah and Mina are separate places till the day of judgement and also opinion of yours is same. So as there is another opinion which states now Mina is part of Makkah (only for prayer to be full or Qasar).

1. Does that mean that the fatwa which says stay in Makkah before Haj is calculated is intact and will not change?

2. I also came to know that these are differences in fiqhi masaail and it has been there since the Sahaaba, so one should follow anyone and shouldn't object to others.

3. Will a person be sinful if he follows anyone?

Winding up the estate according to an unislamic will

Q: What should be done if a person dies with an un-Islamic will? The will specifies its own heirs and the shares for each person with no Islamic principles adopted. Non-heirs, according to Islam, are included also. What should be done in this case?

What about the the 1/3 available for bequest. Can the Islamic heirs agree on how to distribute this on their own through mutual agreement?