Pulling a person back from the front saff in Jamaat Salaah

Q: In Salaah in Jamaat, when pulling a person back from the front saff to join him in the back saff so he doesn't read Salaah alone in the saff: 

  1. Does he pull the person from the middle of the saff or from the side of the saff?
  2. How will the front saff get completed again? 
  3. If a third person then came and joined the second saff, can any one of them move into the front saff if that space is still open?

في جهنم سبع طبقات

س:  أنا أعرف أن في جهنم سبع طبقات. السابع الأعلى منها - لبعض عصاة المؤمنين؛ والأول الأدنى منها - للمنافقين؛ و السادس - للنصارى؛ و الخامس - لليهود. (كذا قرأته في أحد الكتب). و من سيكون في الطبقات: الرابع و الثالث و الثاني؟ هل هناك أحاديث صحيحة أو حسنة في ذلك الموضوع؟

Taking a lift with Ladies

Q: Is it permissible for a na mahram man to take a lift with two ladies (He will be alone with them in the car)? The reason he is taking a lift is because his home is approximately 2 to 3 kilometres from the workplace and he has no other means of transport besides walking. Will it be permissible for them to give him a lift in this situation? Furthermore if the husband follows his wife in another car, will it be permissible for the na mahram male to take a lift with her?

Statement of Imaam Shafi'ee (Rahmatullahi Alayh)

Q: Respected Mufti Saheb Please verify if the statement below is correct:

Facebook newsfeed post by: MuslimMarriageAdvice

MuslimMarriageAdvice wrote:

This is a bit harsh BUT very wise and beneficial words. "Say what you wish in abuse of me, for my silence towards an idiot is indeed an answer. I am not at a loss for a response but rather, It does not befit the lion to answer dogs." - Imam Shafi (rahimaullah)

What have you learnt form this statement?

Monster energy drinks

Q: A huge crises is arising on the youth of this ummath which deals with the consumption of monster energy drinks. I personally have seen a lot of muslim youth "going crazy" on this monster drinks. Is it halaal? Is there any symbolism behind it? What is the Ulamas view regarding this matter?