Women going to the masjid to attend masjid programs

Q: I am a member of a Musjid committee. My question is about the ladies facility at the Musjid. 

Some committee members feel that we must invite the sisters to attend some Musjid programs, especially which take place on special occasions and in Ramadhaan, in the separate ladies facility at the Musjid. There is no intermingling in the Musjid. These programs may also include meals served to them. 

Other committee members are of the view that this must be avoided. 

Please advise which is the correct policy to adopt in this issue.

Asking Allah Ta'ala to take one's salaam and a message to Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) or a deceased relative


1. If a person says, “Oh Allah, please take my salaam and message and esale thawaab to Nabi (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) and present it on a gold platter to him" and they proceed to say Bismillah and say Assalamualikum Ya Rasoolulah and say something like today I read this Hadith and explain and give the Hadith like a person is talking to him and then they read 3 times surah Ikhlaas and say Aameen. Is this permissible? If not, does it have any elements of shirk in it? 

2. If a person has lost a loved one and they say to Allah, can you please take my message and esale thawaab to so and so and they proceed to say Bismillah and then they give a message like they talking to the person as if the person was there and then they read 3 times surah Ikhlaas and say Aameen. Is this permissible? If not, does a person get sin for this?

Woman living alone after iddat

Q: Is it permissible for a female after her iddah to remain in the town she was married in? 

She has a teaching post as well as housing. Housing will be in a shared property with a Muslim family if safety is of concern. 

She does have parents but due to the abusive environment she would feel more safe remaining where she is currently sitting in her iddah. Her father is encouraging her to return to live with her parents. 

To my knowledge, a female is allowed to marry/re marry without the consent of her wakeel. Does this enable her to make all other decisions within the boundaries of Shariah by herself or does she now, after iddah, require the permission of her father? 

Revoking a talaaq in iddah

Q: My husband gave me talaaq on 2 separate occasions. He said the first time it was out of anger and didn't mean it. Does it count as 2? 

I'm currently in iddah for 1 week. He told me he revoked this talaaq. Does this mean we are back in nikkah even if I don't go back home or accept? 

Removing the hair after doing a second umrah

Q: If a person has shaved his hair after doing first Umrah and he does another Umrah after one or two days, he doesn't have any hair or the hair is little, it has been mentioned in kitaab that he should use a blunt razor blade on top the head to come out of Ihram. 

My question is that if a person can't find a blunt razor blade will it be permissible to use a hair trimmer on top of the head to come out of Ihram?

Walking in front of person who is performing salaah

Q: If a person is praying salah and you wish to go past them, is any of the following ways permissible? 

(a) You walk in front of them, stop for a while (say, 10 seconds) and then continue past them. 

(b) You walk in front of them, sit down, then stand up and then continue past them. 

(c) You walk in front of them, perform 2 rakat of nafl salah and when finished, continue past them.