Not fasting in the month of Ramadhaan on account of taking part in a soccer event

Q: The company I work for hosts a soccer event once a year for all African countries and this year the event falls in Ramadaan. They have tried their best to look for alternate dates but because there will be 700 participants they cannot get get accommodation at any other time. They are very concerned about the +/- 15 Muslim participants and the ruling regarding fasting for these travellers from Senegal and Ivory Coast.

Please can you advise on the correct ruling regarding exemption in this regard.

Virtue of fasting in Rajab

Q: An uncle told me that “… if you fast in rajab Allah Ta'ala on the day of judgment will give you a drink from His own hands from the river of Rajab which is whiter than milk sweeter than honey…”

I did some research and didn’t find any Hadith claiming this and I found out that there isn’t any evidence to back there being a specific reward for fasting during Rajab. I didn’t respond to his text to avoid trouble. My family is South Asian and bidah/cultural practices are rife.

Woman spotting after performing umrah

Q: A woman is currently in Makkah Mukarramah. She has completed her umrah etc. and she spotted just once after Zuhr Salaah. Since then, she has not seen any blood or spotting and more than 24 hours have passed. She has completed more than 15 days of tuhr and it could be her haidh. What does she do? Can she perform tawaaf in this condition?