Buying a car on khiyaarush shart and selling it
Q: Zaid buys a car with khiyaarus shart. Can he sell it off within the 3 day period, make his profit, and then pay the due amount to the seller?
Q: Zaid buys a car with khiyaarus shart. Can he sell it off within the 3 day period, make his profit, and then pay the due amount to the seller?
Q: Are we allowed to use FNB Islamic banking and Al Mabroor profit shares?
Q: A person I know read some text online, and that person wants to know that every Muslim needs to have the belief that Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has more knowledge than Shaytaan.
What should I tell him? Ofcourse he is correct.
Q: When I go outside to my back garden to throw something in the trashbin or do quick task, sometimes I don’t wear a headscarf or I wear it loosely. It can be inconvenient to have to put on proper hijab if I’m only going to go out for a few seconds. However, I usually peek out to see if the neighbours opposite our house have their lights on in their window and/or if they are actually looking out of the window at the time of me going to the garden. If I can see them then I will cover myself, otherwise I won’t. If a couple of strands of hair are visible then I don’t see it as an issue as they would not be able to see my hair all the way from their window. Is what I’m doing permissible?
Q: A woman completes her haidh at home but only has a ghusl after reaching her destination which is muaafir distance. Will she read salaah as a musaafir or not?
Q: Are women allowed to fish?
Q: What is the ruling for parents towards upbringing of their children.
If children are not on the right track, upto what extent is it permissible to be strict or authoritarian towards child-raising? Kindly explain in detail.
Q: Please advise if it is permissible to read the book endorsed by Mufti Menk called "The Quraan as revealed".
Q: When a woman using a cotton ball etc. to prevent discharge, is it necessary to remove it & clean oneself before making wudu again if the wudu had broken? This occurs whilst travelling when sometimes the toilet is separate to the wudu area. Must she remove the cotton & reapply it or is she able to just make another wudu?
Q: Such child, whose father is a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) through his mother, is he considered to be descendant of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) or not?