
Q: What is the ruling of masturbation in Islam for men and women? I have heard that it can cause weak memory and eyesight as well as other health problems.

Tearing up one's step father's visa

Q: My mom married someone who my mom brought to uk. When time came for his visa to be renewed my mom had two choice one to give him permanent or just extend. My mom wanted to give him just extended because she did not like his behaviour as it changed as he was already married as well. According to my mother he threatened her and said if you don't give me permanent visa I will tell everyone you married me as it was kept a secret. Also he said when you go back you watch what happens something along the lines. Due to the threats and pressure she applied for permanent visa but was very unsatisfied so she asked me to help her to collect his letter and destroy it. Which I did and due to destroying the letter he was deported as he had overstayed. Am I sinful as I just helped my mother. Now my mother does not speak to him for obvious reasons, there is no contact so if I had said something in anger to him am I sinful?

Tilaawat of Quraan for shifa


1. Is it permissible to gift ibaadah or send Esaale Thawab to the living? E.g.. Durood Sharif and Tilawah of Quran, Nafl Salaah?

2. Can tilawah of Quraan be made for shifa of a sick person? Will the reward of the Quran Tilawah go to them? Or through the Barkat of the Quran Allah Ta'ala will grant them shifa?

3. If one begins a khatam of Quran with niyyat of shifa for a sick person, can they make niyyat for more than 1 person and add all marhooms?

4. Should one inform the sick person that they completed a khatam with niyyat for their shifa?

 5. Please explain how Esaale Thawaab and tilawah of Quran for shifa is done.