Taking a second wife

Q: A girl wants to marry me and I want to marry her too. But we had physical relation About 2 years ago. In these two years i got married with other girl and now we also had a kid. But the first girl who had physical relation with me is still want too marry me. And i am thinking(planing) to make her my 2nd wife. She is agree and my wife is also agree with it too. What should i do. Is there any way(kaffara) to get married(2nd).

Law of safr distance

Q: How can one tell that traveling this much distance reduces to half rakahs of prescribed salah whereas that distance doesn't make them tired and what is the case of traveling less than the prescribed distance and getting more tired, at this situation is there any reduction in rakah of salah. What is the factor which acts main in reduction of number of rakah of salah. Is there any rule if travel one day, stays less than 3-4days and returning back, in this situation can we pray reduced salah or fulfilled salah.

Going to Nizaamuddeen

Q: I would like to know what's muftis opinion on going to Nizaamuddeen at the moment etc, and I have heard that there is a fatwa that Taleemuddeen published. Can this be put on the website or emailed to me directly please.

Using the plural form when making dua in congregation

Q: When a person is reciting masnoon duas loudly wherupon others say "amin" (for example the imam after salah, at the time of nikah, etc), should he change the pronouns in the duas to plural form? For example, should he say "rabbi zidnA 'ilma" since he is making dua for the whole congregation? What would be the plural form of the dua "Rabb-irhamhuma kama rabbayaani sagheera"?


Q: My late dads estate needs to be divided Islamically. The following are the heirs:

Dadda (his father)

Mom (his wife)

7 daughters and

1 son (the children)

Please advise me how the shares must be divided Islamically.

Becoming a chartered accountant and taking bursaries from companies

Q: I am a grade 11 student and I want to pursue accounting after school. I am just concerned about whether being a charted accountant is permissible in Islam as it involves recording interest bearing transactions. The accountant is not involved in the actual interest bearing transaction but all he has to do is record it on, the businesses financial statements.

1. Is it permissible to become a charted accountant?

2. Is it permissible to take bursaries from large auditing firms in SA. They offer to pay for all your studies and you have to work with them for 3 years after you qualify. Is it permissible to work for these large auditing companies e.g. Deloitte and Tousche, PWC OR KPMG. They audit the books of large companies that also use interest.

3. Would mufti saheb suggest becoming a charted accountant?