Mother not allowing the daughter to get married

Q: I have been searched to the best of my ability for some years now and always the ullamah of my country tell me to bear patience to a point now I think they pick what is in the sharia that favours customs and for aspects that do not favour customs they ask us to be patient. I have wanted to get married for the past for the past nine years but my mother has obstructed it from happening, I am 28 now and my dad has died when I was 12, it has reached a point in our living with her is unbearable we both dislike each other, though I decided to forgive her because I don't want to have to face Allah on judgment day complaining about all the wrongs that have been done to me, but she hates me she cries in her sallah complaining to Allah about me, she says I make her heart black (I can only assume that's hate for me). I feel she is oppressing me to achieve her motives. The problem runs really deep writing it all down would be extremely revealing, so my question now is "should I pack my things and leave her house, as she doesn't love me and I darken her heart because I refused to obey her flimsy excuses of the kind of husband she wants for me and the life she wants for her self through me. I would be moving to my paternal uncles home." I use to think of killing her or killing myself some time back then I realized it would jeopardize my chance of entering Jannah. Thank you for taking your time to read through, am grateful.

Wearing jeans


1. I would like to know if Muslim men and women are allowed to wear jeans.

2. Also are you allowed to wear shirts made out of jeans material. Please could you explain. 

Leaving one's job to start a business

Q: I am a professional and have been working as an employee for the past 12 years. I have never found any happiness or peace of mind in the work that I do. It has always been the one negative aspect of an otherwise blessed life. I now strongly feel that I should leave my profession and rather work for myself in what ever capacity, business etc as I have no faith in the "cycical" and "fake" professional world with people being a slave to money and profit. I believe that although a financial risk it will bring me peace and make me a better Muslim. Please advise on the preferred course of action.

Sharing profits to get orders in return

Q: I am running a (pcd) franchise medicine company. I get a tablet from company for a price of say 3 the mrp of medicine is 10 so I earn 7 but then I spend 2 from my profit and give it to doctor who is prescribing it then I give 2 to chemist outlet so that I get more orders from them. My question is "is it haram act" to share your profit to get orders in return. Please reply.

Wife uttering kufr statements

Q: I need guidance on my marriage which I am not sure if nikah is still valid or not. May Allah Ta'ala grant you full Jaza khair for your help in deen to the ummah Ameen.

My marriage started 8 years ago where I wanted to lead a life keeping Allah Ta'ala and His pleasure as my priority. Faced a lot of problems from in law's side from start of the marriage till now. I live in London and follow an Islamic attire whilst the family I married was from sub continent where modern clothes of today's times are preferred. The short and long of it is that my wife (or ex wife as I don't know) has said 'kufriya kalimat' like she doesn't believe in shariat or she will not follow what is in Islam because it doesn't sit with today's times or even at a point she said leave matters to me I will deal with Allah Ta'ala when it comes to it don't tell me what is right in deen and what is wrong etc. She also has been to sooth sayers and fortune tellers seeking knowledge of future and continuing to do it.

Secondly, she used to wear niqab. She started doing that after many weeks of targheeb and taleem. Her sisters had managed to persuade her not to live like a molvi! We had arguments and she expressed her anger towards the deen and said she wanted to remove niqab because in London we should be integrating into the society. Kids are growing and they ask me questions why do I wear the face cover etc. Despite me educating her and kids she remained adamant to remove niqab. I said to her once that if you do remove niqab I.e. live a life without niqab the you are free from me meaning she is not going to remain my wife. She has now started to live without niqab and continue to do so. My question here is also that is our nikah now invalid and due to her continuing to be without niqab and breaking of my condition. The 'kufriya kalimat' which she has uttered and continues to believe in her ways, where would this whole marriage stands.

Also to add, I have felt the lack of barakah in life, in rizq and work in fact in the entire life dealings going downhill when I am with her and when I am away from her with a life of zikar, tilawat of Quran, tahajjud etc with taufiq if Allah Ta'ala, life feels back on track and help of Allah Ta'ala becomes feel able. Also to add that previously I had given one talaq and then had ruju'a to resume marriage. There also has been one occasion when our son was only one and she wanted to leave the house forever due to not liking the lifestyle where I had said that if you step outside this house then this marriage is null and void and you would be free to go. Things had calmed down later that day but indeed she had to leave the house and go out for various reasons. Would that also have triggered the talaq? I am not living with her anymore due to serious issues becoming unsolvable. She wants to live a liberal life and I cannot go against the commands of Allah Ta'ala. I apologise for a any inconvenience due to my email or writing style. Can I seek a clarification that is this nikah or marriage still intact or there is nothing there anymore. We are now living our own lives. I still see the kids and have been treating their mother as my non mahram.

Taubah after drug abuse

Q: I have committed a great sin. I have taken cocaine, I have drank alcohol and I have smoked marijuana. I regret this immensely. I never want to do it again. I need Allahs help and forgiveness. Can you give me some advice and guidance please.