Wife asking the husband for divorce and husband responding with "Ok, fine"

Q: If a woman says to her husband that "okay if you don't want to live with me than divorce me, the husband replied, "Ok, fine" ... does it imply talaq? If yes, than considering the ignorance of the husband that he doesn't know that saying this establishes talaq, still will it be considered as talaq?

Second question, if a husband says to his wife that I don't consider you as my wife. What does it mean? Is this also considered as talaq?

Zawaal time

Q: According to namaz chart, the time for zuhar salah in Islamabad is 12:23. I want to know how many minutes before this time will be considered as zawal time?

Remarrying despite the first husband revoking the talaaq

Q: I married a man in october 2013. We had some ups and down but Alhumdolillah we managed. Our nikah was not in knowledge of our parents. He was trying to explain his parents but his parents were asking for a Sayed girl as he is from a Sayed family. By that time my parents decided my marriage somewhere so I asked him to divorce me.

Now on 18th october 2016 he gave me one talaq but that time I didnt want to leave him and he too was not willing to leave me. After that we were in touch during my iddah as we couldn't control our desires. We used to have foreplay every other day and we had sex in December which was before my completion of my iddah.

Now I married other guy on 1st january 2017. I made sexual relationship with him too but it was during my menstual cycle but since 21st january, I am in UK and new guy is in Pakistan. My father knew about my first marriage but he didn't stop me from the second marriage. Now I got doubt that was my iddah of first marriage completed? Is my second marriage valid in islam? After having sex with my husband during my iddah period is our marriage reconciled? I don't want to go on path of sin. 

Reciting Quraan Shareef and Dalaailul Khayraat daily

Q: I was told by a Moulana that is the imaam in my area that I should not recite more then quarter juzz a day because I am not hafidh. The reason being because the quraan is too powerful. I used to recite two juzz a day.

He also told me that I should not read Dalaail khayrat by imaam Jazuli. The reason being because Sahabah never read it but it was compiled long after the time of Sahabah.

I want to know why should I not recite more then quarter juzz a day when some Sahabah and some scholars could recite the entire Quraan in one rakaah, how can someone stop me from reciting the Kalam of my Allah? And what is so bad about reciting Dalaail Khayrat because it is a book on Salawaat upon Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). You can even read about the author of this book on ihyaaud deen at the section of Salawaat.


Q: I want to ask I was in bathroom but I utter don't remember muje bakshah dae ya al then I stop coz of thoughts. Actually in my heart was this muje Bakaah dae Ya Allah but I didn't utter full name Allah only I utter ya al I stop realize that I am in bathroom