Doubts regarding wudhu

Q: In salah I keep feeling things on my leg and thighs and bowels. I keep getting uncertain whether wind came out. And after salah it becomes normal, I don't feel anything. Is this the waswasa of shaytan. Please clarify.

Revoking a talaaq

Q: Me and my wife are living sepeartly. I gave her 1 talaq raji, then the following month gave the 2nd talaq raji, a week later I done ruju stating I take her back with 2 Muslim witness before her iddah waiting time. I sent her a copy of this letter to her regarding this, her and her family don't know what ruju is and they approached a mufti regarding I gave her 2 talaq raji and her iddah waiting time is over, I than received a divorce certificate that I'm divorced, is this right or wrong and if this is wrong what do I do?

Placing a musalla on an impure carpet and performing Salaah


1. If I place a clean musalla on an impure carpet can I pray on that musalla?

2. Also, if I make wudhu and then stand with my wet feet on the musalla that is on the impure carpet will the musalla become impure since the water penetrates the musalla and goes to the carpet or will it be pure. Because I heard a masala that if you wrap a wet impure cloth inside another cloth the other cloth won't become impure.