Deleting Aayaat of the Qur'an from the cellphone
Q: Is it permissible to delete Qur'ani ayaat from mobile phone?
Q: Is it permissible to delete Qur'ani ayaat from mobile phone?
Q: I have extreme fear of lizards. By the grace of Allah Ta'ala I am trying to overcome this by ignoring its presence. Is this fear a shirk and will I be forgiven?
Q: I asked my husband for a divorce and he refuses to give me it. He told me to leave. He doesn't support the kids and I. We've been arguing alot and he was making threats. Can a family member issue the divorce or do I have to seek advice and counsel elsewhere? I am mentally and emotionally lost.
Q: I am 19 years old. My mum is very worried for me. She wants a good marriage proposal for me. I will marry after completing my studies. Please tell me a wazifa.
Q: Does smoking invalidate wudhu?
Q: I would like to know if it is halaal to trade on the stock markets or buy shares in companies.
Q: My husband often verbally abuses me and I have been enduring it for the past 1 year 6 months. I told his parents and they even advised him yet there is no change. What should I do?
Q: On the birth of a child some practice a custom of feeding friends etc. some sweet meats, burfi etc for the happy occasion. Is this a part of Deen? Should it be stopped?
1- Some of our own Deobandi ulama have one objection on the Darse Nizami system that Darse-Nizami focuses of Fiqh and comparitive Fiqh even when teaching the Hadith books, hence a Darse-Nizami graduate does not have much expertise in Hadith and Usool-e-Hadith and related Hadith sciences. What is the answer to such people?
2 - How can a Darse Nizami student ensure that he becomes an expert and master of Hadith sciences(such as Asma ur Rijaal etc) and Usool e Hadith?
3 - Who were some Hadith and Hadith sciences experts among Ulama-e-Deoband? Can you please mention a few names.
4- If anyone from among Ulama e Deoband was particularly expert in the science of Asma ur Rijal please mention it.
5- Maulana Habib ur Rahman Azami (died 1992 ) was considered a master of Hadith and its sciences , in addition to being an expert in Fiqh and a knowledgable Mufti as well. Is this correct?
Q: Is it permissible to have a picture taken for a squash club if they need it for security purposes and will not be printed, after it has been mentioned to the club that it goes against a person's religious beliefs?