Irregular bleeding after childbirth

Q: I got a baby 6 months ago. Before that I used to get my periods for 6 days. After nifaas I started getting my periods differently, I'm getting it for 8 days and then for 2 days nothing, on the 10th day around zuhr-asr time, I get a very slight pinkish colour on my discharge, and after that there's nothing. Must I count 6 days like how I used to get before I got a baby or count 8 days and make qadha later of the 2 days or count 10 days and make qadha of the namaaz that's left out. Must I count the pinkish colour? I'm very confused. What must I do?


Holding the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: I have committed a grave sin what can I do now? I was in my office and one colleague asked me to pass her a Quraan from my desk. In order to not let anyone know I'm on my periods, in the blink of an eye I passed it to her with naked hands. I feel cursed now from within... What should I do now as I am afraid of Allah's wrath and anger?

Cleaning a phone that fell in the toilet

Q: If phone is dropped in toilet and is covered with Najasah what's the way to purify it. The phone is expensive is removing the impurity by wet wipes or removing until Najasah can't be seen. Also so if najasah is on ones hand less then size of a dirham I.e the fluid from the private part not semen but the clear one. If the the person touches his phone does that become impure. Last question related to this if Najasah say again on phone but one can't see it, smell it or feel it, so like the one mentioned on previous question, if one was to touch that phone and then other thing would other things become impure. Also how does Najasah transfer, from one place to another.