
Q: I really need help! I gave birth 2 weeks a go, Alhamdulilah! Do I have to wait for 40 days before starting my prayers? I'm not bleeding like it's suppose to be after child birth? Should I wait,or just pray ,then when I start bleeding again stop my salat or what? Help me out please.

Father postponing the marriage

Q: My question is if a brother has asked my father to marry me and my father likes him but wants us to get engaged for a period of time before marriage, what should I do. My father is my only wali and I would prefer to marry this man in order to make things halaal instead of possibly falling into haram. However I feel that my father is acting in a cultural way rather than Islamic. Could you please help me Insha Allah.

Reciting behind the Imaam

Q: I have a ghair muqallid relative. He doesant adhere to a madhab and he was saying how is my Salaah accepted if I don't recite faatiha in quiet Salaah behind the imaam. I gave him the verse of the Qur'an to prove but he said how can the imam be heaed if he is quiet. He confused me. Please clarify what should I do? I sometimes doubt.

Holding back the rights of the heirs

Q: My husband died 2 years before and I have 2 very young age twins boys. I have nothing except my orphans. My in-laws are holding all my properties and telling everyone that they will return his properties after my boys adult hood when my boys will be independent. My question is what Islamic rules about widow who works very hard to raise her orphans empty handed. My in-laws don't do anything except backbiting and false accusations. They don't help us except hurting me. What Islam rules about my condition? My husband helped them a lot and made them rich and he didn't get anytime to do something for his wife and children because he died very early aged. My husband was very good Muslim and he died with cancer in 2015. What does Islam say? What about chapter 4, Surah Nisa? Please advise me.