Charging the customer under a wrong, misleading pretext

Q: I work at a company that sells wooden boards. Carpenters come to us with the measurements of the customer’s job, then we use a computer program to work out how many boards the customer will require. Sometimes, the customer only requires two boards but the carpenter asks us to charge him for three boards. The customer thinks that he needs three boards and is paying for three, whereas he only needs two and is only receiving two while the carpenter takes the money from us quietly for the third board. My boss says that we are not doing anything wrong because the carpenter is taking the money and we are not taking anything. Is this permissible?

Using dhaeef Ahaadeeth for fazaail


1. Mufti Rasheed Ahmad sahab has written in Ahsan ul Fatawa (Vol. 10 Page 121-126) that weak/zaeef Ahadeeth should not be used even for narrating virtues. Whereas the rest of the ulama allow the use of weak Ahadeeth for virtues. Is the opinion of Mufti Rasheed Ahmad sahab his lone opinion, or do some other renowned ulama also share this opinion? If yes, can you name one or two Ulama please.

2. Was Mufti Rasheed Ahmad sahab also opposed to the Fazail-e-Amaal of Shaykh Zakariya, considering that it also contains weak narrations?

Wife refusing to have another child

Q: I am living and working in Denmark. I am having a problem with my wife regarding third child. I hereby want to explain you my problem in details. When I married with my wife she had the same problem (Back Pain) that she has today but after the marriage she want baby as soon as possible and she got pregnant after two years of marriage and than after first baby she had the desire for second baby as soon as possible and she got second baby after one year of our first baby and when I asked her for third baby she said that she wish to have third baby but after two years. Whenever I ask her for third baby she replies me that wait some more time and now three years have gone after second baby. I asked my wife now I want third baby because its three years now after the second baby and she replied me that she don't want any more baby due to her disease (Back Pain and bawaseer). Then I asked another Mufti from Denmark. He said that she can't stop me to have third baby. My question is that her disease is the same as it was in beginning, only bawaseer (piles) ka masla new ha. I need this answer with reference to Quran and Sunna because I want my third baby and after your e-mail to her she totally denied for third baby. Looking forward to hear from you.

Buying a lottery ticket to help the poor

Q: There are many needy people in my area. I am helping them in whatever way I can with my hard-earned money. However, this is not enough as the needy people are too many. Can I buy a lottery ticket every month with the intention that if I get lucky enough to win, I will help them with the prize money? I won’t touch a single penny from that amount for my personal use.

Haraam relationship

Q: I am aged 22 from India. Two years ago I fell in love with a girl. She was a cancer patient. Her parents came to know about us and were positive for our marriage. My parents said first finish your degree and get a job and we will assist you in marrying as you wish. Days passed and it is because of her I started offering Salah..Allah made me turn to him through her. I was So much worried about her cancer.. And days passed ..I changed a Thug..Smoking drinking..Etc..And we had problems ..We were about to break up ..And then..I started salah once again.. And allah gave Her back to me..And at a period of time..Once again I was moving in opposite Direction. Smoking and Drinking. In november 22 2015 she went very Bad that her organs stopped working that she had to undergo dialysis. It was like a calling bell from Allah.."O my servent come back to your lord".I was So afraid of losing her..I started offering my salah..And on december 22 After offering my maghrib salah..I heard a recitation from quran saying.."We Will test you through loss of life. If u can't handle the pain ask allah ya Allah if I can go through this let me..If I can't take me" . Suddenly it Striked my mind lyk she has gotta go...And to I had dreams lyk ambulance in Front of her home..But I never left my salah..Asking allah to save her..Cure Her..On jan 6 2016..Inna lillahi wa innae ilaihi rajiyoon.. She passed Away..But wallahi ..I never had a negative thought in my mind like..Allah Hates me..Or he didn't accept my duaa..Instead I had thoughts like my allah Knows what's best for me..He never does bad for me..In sha allah..Allah will Make me join with her in jannah..I still can't believe she left me..I weep Remembering those beautiful days spent with her..But wallahi I say allah Made me stronger.. Am right here messaging you its all because of allah..If I Never prayed ..Surely I would have ended up with suicide.. Now am getting Closer to allah .I can feel it..He is getting me closer..There have been days That I have thought why allah is always doing something with me .Yet still There are people out there enjoying life..(my cousins) ..But now I realize Allah loves me a lot..He gave me a ticket to jannah..In sha allah I should Make me built up and be capable for it..Now during my supplications I ask Allah to make me join with her in jannath ul firdhous.. Now when I offer my Salah..Tears comes out uncontrollably remembering the day of qiyamah..My Question is will Allah make me join with her in aakhira..?

Urine drops

Q: When I come from the washroom after doing istibra then I go to say prayer in jamat. At the time of going for sajdah or ruku some urine drops comes out. At that time what should be done. Please help. Suffering from a year.