Taking a loan on interest

Q: Is it permissible to take out riba in order to avoid becoming homeless? I am a revert muslimah that quit college to avoid taking out more riba but I have yet to find a job and will soon be homeless since there is no family or friends I can stay with. My student loans were large enough to support me the entire semester with a part time job but since im not in school I have no job (it was a student job) and no more money. The Qur'an is very clear on riba but what else do I do? I already asked for money from my local musjid.

Temporary ligation

Q: I would like to know if it is permissable for me (age 25) to have my tubes tied? I am currently expecting and once I give birth I would like to tie my tubes instead of taking the pill and breastfeeding as it may cause hormones in my milk (thats what I think) also I know my husband would not want another child now at all. He did not take well the fact that I was pregnant in the starting. I am also not ready for the responsibility of a second child. My husband does not like using a condom and I am reluctant to use the pill due to maybe possible side effects on the baby feeding on me. Please advise.

The love of Allah Ta'ala

Q: I have come across an aayaat or Ahaadith that state the following: Allah loves it when.....Allah loves those who are...Allah loves this....Allah loves that if one.....etc. So My question is:

1.) What are the virtues or reward in doing those things that Allah loves?

2.) When you do those things that Allah loves, will you get his mercy and pleasure?

Tahiyyatul Musjid

Q: When entering my local masjid shortly before fard salat starts, some people avoid sitting down before the fard prayer. They say this is so that they will be able to include the intention of tahiyyatul masjid in their fard prayer (they say that according to their madhab which I think is Shafie, the opportunity of tahiyatul masjid disappears when you sit down). I know that the opportunity of tahiyatul masjid is not nullified for us Hanafis by sitting down, but is it still recommendable for us to stand together with the others (i.e. not sit) even if we are Hanafis, to be on the safe side and to avoid ikhtilaf? I mean just as our books of fiqh says that it is mustahabb for us to redo wudhu after having touched a person of the opposite gender in order to avoid ikhtilaf.

Nose surgery

Q: My question is regarding septo-rhinoplasty. I have a deviated septum and outwardly the left nasal bone is wider then the right, giving an unpleasant appearance to the left side of the nose. This causes psychological distress and the deviated septum causes left side to be blocked, i.e there isn't full flow of air at certain times. The doctor said he will correct the deviation and will make the left nasal wide making it more natural and even. Along with this the nose will be defined and reduced in size in very conservative manner. I believe when they reduce left nasal bone to balance with the rest of face and make it look normal it would need to be defined to give normal appearance. Is it permissible?