Difference between God and Lord
Q: What is the difference between God and Lord and which one should be believed in Islam? For example, there is no god but Allah. In the above case BUT is used not EXCEPT can you elaborate it please mufti Saab?
Q: What is the difference between God and Lord and which one should be believed in Islam? For example, there is no god but Allah. In the above case BUT is used not EXCEPT can you elaborate it please mufti Saab?
Q: I had a surgical operation and have a JP Drain inserted. Its purpose is to drain fluids post the operation. My question is, can one make or retain wudhu whilst having the JP Drain?
Q: I have been a home executive for 9 years and want to assist with the income of the household. Please advise if it is permissible Islamically to work for: 1) a photography/video company 2) as a real estate agent as I have a qualification which I never used. I am worried about the interest factor. Are we indirectly encouraging interest and loans? Should I rather consider business (selling) or a profession in cupping?
Q: When can the husband and wife do sex after periods? When the bleeding stops or after 7 days of completing the time even before the bleeding stops?
Q: I am from India. We are three bothers and we have only one home. With the grace of Allah (Ta'ala) coming year I will get married. So, I was thinking of buying a home. As I don't have enough money. I need to take a loan. But here in India we don't have Islamic banking. And I don't have other means to get that required amount. What is best for me? As there is Riba involved if I want to buy a flat from the banks which follow non-islamic banking.
Q: I have a question. My divorced is confirmed through email with three different Imaans. My question is, if I want to move on with my life, do I need a divorce certificate?
Q: My husband bought a phone with haraam rupees. Can I use his phone? Is it halaal for me?
Q: I would like to perform hajj in the near future so I need to pay off two loans. I have student loans from over a decade ago that I would like to pay off in full. However, I don’t want to pay the interest that has accumulated on these loans. If I can settle to pay just the amount of the original loan, will that be permissible? Also, I have an outstanding loan from a certain company. If the company agrees to let me pay just a percentage to have the entire loan forgiven, is that permissible?
Q: Are children allowed in the haram for umrah with parents once they are using diapers? Is it ok to bring the child to Ka'ba or tawaaf when there's a possibility that diaper may not be clean?
Q: I am a woman and in anger, I pronounced the word divorce three times. I regret my decision. After some hours, me and my husband forget everything. How can I repent?