Keeping the name Mantasha
Q: Please confirm if it is ok to name a baby girl MANTASHA or is MANTASHA an Islamic name?
Q: Please confirm if it is ok to name a baby girl MANTASHA or is MANTASHA an Islamic name?
Q: Is it permissible to read zikr in your mind without wudhu?
Q: I have a large gap inbetween my front two teeth. I would like to get braces to close this gap. It is not a major medical problem, and does not affect me, but the dentist has said that because of the way my jaw is positioned, my bottom teeth are pushing my top teeth out and therefore the gap will become bigger with time.
1. Is it permissable for me to get braces?
2. Will my ghusl be valid with braces on?
Q: There is a Hadith in behisti jeor that Rasulullah (sallallahu Alayhi wasallam) said, "May Allah have mercy over the women who wear izaar". What is izaar? How can I put this hadeeth into practice (by wearing what cloth)?
Q: Can you please explain uptil when sajda-e-sahw can be done for unintentionally missing out a wajib in the prayer? If a person unintentionally leaves out a wajib, and they have done salaam, can they still do sajda-e-sahw? Also, if a person does not do sajda-e-sahw, and the prayer time has ended, will they have to redo the prayer? I have heard that the prayer will have to be redone for leaving out a sajda-e-sahw as long as its still the prayer time, but after the prayer time has passed, it is not mandatory to redo the prayer, but recommended to. Please if you can explain.
Q: I was married before and have three kids from a previous nikaah. I am now married for 7 months and have no kids. I do all the house work, cook, clean, iron and it's taking a lot of strain one me. I don't have a helping hand and requested to my husband that help me get a helper even if it's 3 days in a week. He refused saying he does not dirty the house, my kids do and said he will never get me a helper. I asked him if was his biological kids make the house dirty would he not pay. He said he will pay if his kids dirty the house. His kids live with his ex-wife and Alhumdullillah he does everything for her and kids, which is the right thing to do. I am depressed because all I do is clean and cook and iron. I don't even have time to go to ta'leem. It's just a mess. Please advise if this is the right thing to say. Even if he doesn't get a helper for me, I will carry on this way but does it have or did he have to tell me in this manner?
Q: I need urgent help from you if you could kindly suggest any prayer or dua for me. I had a best friend who was always with me. He would take me for dinner and would happily share personal stories with me. I did a lot for him as well. He promised me that he will never break our frienndship and I was his friend for life. 3 days ago he wants to break the friendship with me and he told me never talk to him. For the last 3 days I am crying continuously and not able to eat anything. I am always sad and whenever I see him in the mosque happily with other friends, my heart stops and I feel very sad. Please help me because I feel as though I am going to die. What can I do to get my bestfreind back. I pray 5 times namaz daily so why did this happen to me?
Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim the trading of non-halaal goat and beef meat (animal is not slaughtered the halaal way), from a non-Muslim trader to non-muslim buyers?
Q: I am very worried. I make a kasam on Quran paak because my mom was crying in front of me. It was very hurtful to see my mother crying so I took a kasam but now I forget the correct kasam. What do I do? It was something like that I do not do the thing again means making a boy brother. Now what should I do? I have one friend (boy). We just chat and good friends. He is younger than me. So if I talk to him, is it breaking the kasam? Please help me.
Q: Will dirty water become clean (Paak) after it has been filtered? Is the ghusal and wudhu valid with the above dirty water which has been filtered?