Work in a bank as software engineer

Q: My question is regarding working as a software engineer in a Bank. Many people says that it is haram even to work as a security gaurd as he is helping bank. So any job in a bank is haram. So my question here is, can we open a bank account because I think account holder is the highest responsible person for the growth of the bank, for the bank's existance, for more number of branches and new banks. If it is halal because there is no option, then how can we expect that there should not be a muslim to work in a bank because if no one works then how bank will run and what about that option less muslim. Is ATM withdrawal Halaal? If not, how come ATM machine installer job is haram who is a bank employee. Is Online banking usage like balance statement retrieval , fund transfer is Haram? If yes then how come the software guys who will develop these software applications is haram? I think as per the current market conditions and situations we need to react. So if opening account is allowed the person who will activate the Account should also get allowed. Here no where am mentioning about riba. Riba is strictly prohibited. There is no doubt about it. Opening an account leads to the growth of riba based bank. Some says that muslims should not work in a bank but non muslim brothers can work as they dont have the concept of halal or haram. Meaning if non muslim bank employee share tea with you , it is permissible but if muslim bank employee share tea with you, it is not allowed as the salary he got is haram. Is it like that? Can we work in a bank as Software engineer. We are not taking any riba and am not giving. We are preparing software tools which will be used by bank managers and others. Is it allowed Coming to software work in a bank.... Bank has opened another company for developing the software products of that bank. So working in this entity which is not a bank by itself but its own entity is halal or haram...

Explanation of a narration

Q: I have a question. Ibn Rajab (may Allah have mercy on him) in his book 'Humility in Prayer' on last chapter he described a hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah (Radiyallahu Anhu) that Israfeel (Alayhis Salaam) visited the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Jibreel (Alayhis Salaam) and descended on earth for the first time from his creation. But the angels who visited Ibraheem (Alayhis Salaam), the guests, I found the name Israfeel (Alayhi Salaam) there. Please I hope you'll clarify this matter.

Spiritual Experiences

Q: My question here is in relation to spirituality astral projection and out of body experiences. I have been experimenting with such over the past few years and I have seen things and have connected them with Islam. I feel that it all basically boils down to light and darkness. And more and more one embraces the light the closer he gets to God. Our religion through the years has changed and now is termed Islam through our beloved prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). The same message was preached to Isa (Alaihis Salaam) as Musa (Alaihis Salaam) as and all the one lakh 25 thousand prophets who have been sent to the earth. With astral projection and spirituality it's like I have gone back to the roots of Islam before the prayers were sent down. Do not mistake me, I pray 5 times a day alhamdullilah. But if I can connect with the universe and the light and the creator on this level follow the tenants of the religion by only doing good and not wronging anyone. Isn't it the same? Wasn't Islam a way of life which was given to the people of Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) so that they can embrace it live a better life on earth to their salvation and connect with their creator. Isn't this because over the years since the time of Adam (Alaihis Salaam) we have been led astray and we have evolved to become smaller beings with no way to see divine power and energy to extents that people in the past used to. If I am able to do so at this point, must I not embrace the light and the blessings of Allah and delve deeper and try to understand this so that I can be closer to my creator and do more good and spread light in this universe?

Distributing one's time equally between one's wives

Q: Can you please let me know what is the ruling regarding spending time with each wife. My sister's husband has recently got married to another woman after being in a relationship for many years. He states that having more than wife is a Sunnah but he is totally disregarding the feelings of his first wife and spends most of his time with his new wife. Can you please clarify how he should spend time with each wife. Also I find it hard to accept his reasoning that it is Sunnah. I feel that the word Sunnah is just covering up his wrong doings. Wrong is wrong. Please do not misunderstand me I understand fully the purpose of more than one wife and it being Sunnah. I have no objection to that at all. Loooking forward to your reply.


Q: An ustaad said here in a sermon about the characteristics of people that have riya (besides showing off ibadah), kindly answer yes if any of this is true:

1.) If a person is always concerned about other peoples opinion, then he is not free from riya.

2.) If he has a desire in his heart and is eager to be praised, noticed, appreciated & admired by the people then he is not also free from riya.

3.) If he is always concerned about how to please people, then he is not free from riya.

4.) If he fears the criticism of (un-Islamic) people, he is not free from riya.

5.) If he constantly worrys about what people might think about him , he is not free from riya.

6.) If a person is free from any of the abovementioned, then he can assure that he is safe from riya. This kind of shocked me because I thought riya was just showing off your ibadaah to people.

Does wearing socks break one's wudhu?

Q: I did wudu by washing all parts including my feet. I prayed zuhr prayer and then wore my socks again along with my shoes, to join my office. Till Asr, I had my wudhu from Duhr, I just took off my shoes and socks and tried to perform my Salah with Jamaat. But the Imam was a Saudi. He stopped me that you can not pray until you do your wadu because once you wore your socks after your zuhr prayer, your wudhu is no longer valid. Please confirm, what is correct in this regards?