Husband attaching conditions to divorce

Q: My husband and I are seperated and he sent a letter that states that if I sign this than only divorce will go throught.i als have a 2 year old girl.

1. In that letter it states that once a month on weekend he is allowd to take my daughter and from fri to Sunday. My daughter is too small and doesn't leave my side. islamically is this allowed?

2. Do I have to pay half of my childs needs including education food etc?

3. In the list of what was mine in the house its not complete and there is no mention of the mehr. Is he allowed to keep the mehr?

Hastening to perform hajj

Q: I am a 31 year old married woman. I want to perform hajj. My husband is not capable at present. I am asking him to arrange money for his hajj expenses only, and I am planning to sell my gold for my hajj expenses. Is it right to rush for the hajj even if we are not capable or should we wait for the time when we have enough. Please advise. 

Holding a candlelight walk to honour victims

Q: Is the below permissible: 

Danforth-Donlands – Pocket Community: Vigil Friday night at the Mosque – February 3, 2017 Residents in the Danforth-Donlands area will hold a candlelight walk and vigil on Friday night, encircling the mosque – the Madinah Masjid – to honour fellow Canadians in Quebec City who were victims in the horrific mass shooting there. We will also demonstrate our support and solidarity with the mosque and its community, standing together in our mutual call for peace and unity [solidarity?]. Meet at 7:45 pm in front of the mosque at 1015 Danforth Avenue for a prayer and welcoming remarks. Vigil participants will walk west on the south side of Danforth to Jones, south on Jones, east on Chatham to Byron, north on Byron, and back along the south side of Danforth to the mosque for a moment of silence, ending at approximately 9 pm.

Working for a bank

Q: I want to ask that can I do a job in the Bank? My Salary is not increment based but it is a fixed salary which will be only incremented after a year. My job title is Customer Care Representative. (I am only dealing with account opening and guiding the people to fill the forms) Please tell me that whether with the Islamic Point of View is it Halal or Haram? My bank Name is NIB bank which will soon be merged with Muslim Commercial Bank.

Drugs and Alcohol


1. Alcohol is haraam and prohibited in Islam due to the fact that after having it, a person loses his senses and can not remember what he is doing and also you can get addicted to alcohol. My question is that if someone uses alcohol only for socialising, if he has a  few sips will it be fine or not?

2. There are some drugs which only boost your energy but you remain in your senses, such as cocaine and some other drugs. How does Islam differentiate between them. You remain in your senses but its not alcohol. Red bull drink also boosts the energy. Please explain. 

Winding up an Estate

Q: My Father passed away recently and he did not have a will, he is succeeded by my mother, sister and my 3 brothers. He has said verbally what should happen to his estate but nothing in writing. Just wanted to know how do we sort out the estate?

Black magic

Q: I have a problem with my husband. For few days he is nice to me, then suddenly he changes. He stops talking, blocks my number an all. When he was nice to me my mother in-law used to say to him that I did black magic to be good with me. After some days he changed shockingly. I suspect he is under bad influence. I want to know if he is under black magic and we don't stay together also. How to check? What is the solution to his behavior?


Q: We are planning to adopt my sisters baby boy. Can I put my name after the baby's name for legal documentation purposes e.g. birth certificate, passport. Also is it allowed for my wife to take pills so she could breast feed the baby?

Vaginal discharge

Q: If a thick material (ratoobat) of white colour is released at an irregular intervals from the woman's vagina and on drying leaves a light brown brown spot. Does its release break wudu or not?

Does it make clothes napaak?

Is it istihaza? Because it is after haidh and after release of light Brown thick material which lasts for 9 or 10 or more days after haidh.

If thick material (ratoobat) of light brown colour is released at irregular intervals from woman's vagina after the 10 days of haidh and also leaves coloured spot on drying, is it istihaza or not?

It breaks wudu or not?

It makes clothes napaak or not?

After istihaza taking ghusul(bath) is compulsory or not?