Eating food given by a non-Muslim?
Q: Can we eat the food (veg only) given by Non Muslim Friends or neighbours?
Q: Can we eat the food (veg only) given by Non Muslim Friends or neighbours?
Q: I have a question. Actually my friend was telling me about mufti tariq Masood's advise to insurance company. I utter it is a good idea. It's better then sadqa and khairyat that can help people life time. Then I was getting feeling inside that maybe you have uttered wrong words saying better then sadqa. I want to know is something wrong I uttered. And also I said to myself wo Deen jo Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) lae. Actually I was doing bayan to myself and I feel maybe this word utter wrong . Hazrat I know it's wired question but I get waswasa or something disease when I ever I talk something I check whether it's kufr or not? Please advise me so that I never follow my inside feeling.
Q: Is it compulsory to read salaah on a musalla or can Salaah be read on any surface that appears clean?
Q: I am retailing make up and have an item in stock which is a lipstick that contains alcohol. Is it permissible to sell or use?
Q: I wanted to know if it's ok to laser declaw a cat? It's a new technology that causes virtually no pain and no bleeding and the cat is back to normal. Please can you look into it and tell me if its ok to do? My cat is scratching everywhere and everything and is very aggressive.
Q: Regarding human evolution, Yasir Qadhi says that god has just simply made it look like humans evolved, similar to how god made it look like jesus was crucified. I was wondering, is this a valid viewpoint islamically?
Q: If we wear a ring of stone like garnet or topaz in which some Arabic words are made, is it ok? Can I go to the wash room with the ring especially when some Arabic words /numbers are written in it or only wearing a ring without Arabic writing is permissible?
Q: Is it permissible to keep apps in mobile of any Islamic surah material? Mobile sometime in our purse or in shirts pocket or any place which is not clean so its is ok?
1) I came across the following Hadith: " The son of Adam (alaih salam) has no better right than that hewould have a house wherein he may live and a piece of cloth whereby he may hide his nakedness and a piece of bread and some water".(Tirmidhi) While the literal meaning of this Hadith is obviously clear, I am not sure what the actual meaning is. Does it mean that if a person has basic needs of housing,clothes,food and water, then he should be content in his life and not have desire for more?Kindly shed light on this.
2) There is another Hadith: "My Sahaaba are like stars, whomever among them you follow, you will be guided.” Is this Hadith authentic?
1. If non-Muslim women servants on their 25 December event ask their Muslim owners to give them holiday? What should the owner do?
2. If they ask to give them rupees ,milk etc for that event because they work there and can ask there for their requirements. What should the owner do in this case?
3. If the owner calls these servants using words like ; O my daughter etc for the sake of good behavior and for the sake of greed (so that they do not Leave this place for working and not do not go another place for work). Is there any permission in Islam to call non Muslim servants with these words? As people of more age are called with respect by other people of less age.
4. Can non Muslim servants be also treated with respect?
5. Can non Muslims wash the clothes and pots of Muslims? And clothes ( they wash clothes at that method that we told them on which clothes become paak) and pots become paak after being Washed by non Muslims?