Getting paid for an absent day

Q: If I took leave on some working day of job and the HR/admin has mistakenly updated that I was present at that day in online system and the HR has asked me to sign on that day and I also signed forgetfully that I was absent that day in confusion, then only I realized that I have made a mistake. Now, that day's salary will be haraam or halaal for me? I asked HR to change the present as absent but he said it is not possible now. What should I do? Can I work on compensatory working days without any extra pay and make that up?

Urine exiting

Q: What is actually urine exiting, whether it should exit the tip of the private part or I can say as urine exited by just seeing some drop of urine within inside outer most tip of private part but not came out fully.

Written oath

Q: Is a written oath on the name of Allah Ta'ala in a text message considered as a true oath or a false one? It was not spoken verbally, only written.

Study medicine and engineering

Q: What are the rewards of doing a fardh kifaya act? For example if there is no Muslim physician, engineer, physiotherapist, etc. in a Muslim community (in a region where majority are Muslims compared to kafirs) only kafirs and a single Muslim decides to pursue one of those professions, what is his reward?

Impurity on the bedsheet

Q: My question is that if I am sitting on my bed with my blanket on side touching me and if I pre ejaculated in my underpants and it gets more than 2.76 cms (a dirham coin) then will my bedsheets and blanket becomes impure if I stay in bed for an hour or so before bathing?

Advising a relative towards making Du'a for her ownself

Q: My paternal aunt is sick, so I went to visit her. She performs all daily Salaah, Tahajjud and makes Tilaawat often as well. I motivated her and encouraged her to keep on making dua for the betterment of her condition. She then said that she 'lost the ability to make Du'a for herself' and that she 'no longer knows how to do so.' She said that when she hears the problems and worries of others, she becomes concerned and only makes dua for the problems of others. She said that she has not made dua for herself in a long time. Hence, I told her to read the Munaajaat-e-Maqbool as all things (both for oneself and others) are contained therein. Even if there is no yearning in this, then at least dua for herself is being fulfilled. (1) Was my advice appropriate for her state? (2) Please tell me what I can do to motivate her towards making dua for herself. She is old and faces health, family, and marital problems etc. She is a soft person.