Husband going camping with friends

Q: In which scenarios would it be permissible for a man to go camping with his friends for four days (with the consent of his wife)?

- Would it be permissible if her parents come from Pretoria to stay with her in Cape Town in the same apartment as her while he is away

- Would it be permissible if she stays alone in her apartment but has a mahram living in the same town

- Would it be permissible if he leaves her alone to go in jamaat for four days

- Would it be permissible if she stays with her sister in law while her husband and her sister in law's husband go on holiday or in Jamaat together if they both have a mahram such as an uncle living in the same town but the two girls would be alone in the apartment and would follow their husband's instructions not to go out after dark?

Small animate Images

Q: An animate image is such that, if placed on the ground, a standing person of reasonable vision would be unable to make out and discern the features of the image. The view of some Hanafi Deobandi 'Ulama is that such small pictures are permissible. These 'Ulama do say that animate images (digital or otherwise) are prohibited. However, it must be noted that many pictures that can be viewed on a cellphone screen practically fall into this category of small pictures. This is more so with the cartoon, animate images that appear on cellphone video games. What is your view regarding these small pictures that fit the description mentioned above - whether on a cellphone screen or otherwise?

Abusive parent

Q: What are the obligations of a child to a parent who has emotionally abused their children and refuses to take responsibility or pay any bills relating to the children and household expenses? If this parent keeps late hours and is difficult to live with, can the children move out or make him move out (with the help of other relatives)? And will my lack of affection toward this parent ( my father) be a sin? I am afraid of him testifying against me on judgment day, but to be honest I feel life would be easier without him in my life. Am I evil for feeling this way? Please advise as I am very distressed about this.


Q: I would like to know what is the ruling regarding dolphins. I know that it is regarded as the pig of the ocean, however why is this so and ‎would the same rules and prohibitions regarding pigs also apply to dolphins. Would it be acceptable to attend dolphin shows or touch it etc.


Q: I have been married for more than six years now and have two kids of age 4 years and 3 years. Handling 2 kids has become very tedious for us as we don't have anyone to support us (as we live in the city for my job and parents are back in town) and both the kids don't eat well and are quite trouble makers. So we had many sleepless nights and late mornings. Managing them has become so tough that we are losing cool on small things and getting into fight frequently. Yesterday we came to know that my wife is pregnant again and we are in confusion on how to re-act to this. My wife thinks that it is best to avoid it now considering the current situation and plan it later on for the third child. She thinks by using tablets we can do this. I am not sure how to react to this!