Eating at a Shia's house
Q: To take food, drink, make wudu and offer prayers at the house of Ahle Toshee (shia) is jaiz or najaiz?
Q: To take food, drink, make wudu and offer prayers at the house of Ahle Toshee (shia) is jaiz or najaiz?
Q: Who is Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi? Is he Hanafi or not?
Q: This is regarding obeying parents relating to academics. I have a hard time living up to my parents wanting very high achievements in terms of academics then I feel I am disobeying them. Please can you tell me what is best course as my siblings able to achieve their request but I am struggling.
Q: If a person has to offer a lot of Qaza prayers, can he offer Qaza prayers after every Farz Prayer?
Q: I want to open an account in the bank. The name of the account is PLS (Prophet and loss saving). The policy of bank is if they invest my amount and earn some profit, they will give me my profit. If they have loss, then I will accept it. Is this is according to Islam or not? Please inform me. I shall be very thankfull.
Q: I have been reading a few things regarding alcohol and the Islamic views on it for a lesson I care for. I have some questions about it.
1. If someone consumes alcohol and then leaves it and repents will Allah forgive him.
2. Is there any rule that is someone consumes alcohol he cannot perform namaaz and touch or recite quran for 40 days as alcohol stays in the body for 40 days.
3. What are some of the ways one can repent about the sin of consuming alcohol?
Q: My brother just gave his wife divorce when he was really angry. He is now regretting it. He also does drugs. Is the divorce valid or not?
Q: Can one wear a sock beneath the khuf?
Q: I just needed to ask two questions regarding haidh:
1. Is yellow discharge at the ending of haidh regarded haidh or istihadha?
2. What if the is slight sign of blood but most is yellow?
Q: My father's sister who is above 60 years is a diabetic patient and has no kids to support her. Her husband died last year as well so she is alone by her own because her brothers and sisters have already died. We support her financially from Zakat money because she had no source of income at all. After her husband died, she got some money which her husband had saved in the bank and that money is equivalent to US$7,000.00. Can we still continue supporting her from Zakaat money as she still does no have any source of income? Please advise.