Hajj & Umrah

Using a new passport to avoid umrah visa fees

Q: In their thirst for mock Umrahs, travel operators in South Africa are defrauding the Saudi Government. They are advising prospective travellers to apply for a renewal of their passports earlier than required even though the traveller's current passport is valid and not due to renewal until after several years/months have lapsed. In other words, a traveller can have more than one valid passport and they use their latest passport to apply for UMRAH visa and they renew it again for future trips.

This means that the prospective traveller can travel for Umrah multiple times during a 24 month period without paying the additional repeat Umrah visa fee of SAR2000.

This is causing the SAUDI government a loss of revenue and is a false representation of the traveller's historical travel.

The contention from the prospective traveller is that the repeat Umrah visa fee is Zulm and therefore they are not liable for the Saudi Holiday Visa Fees. They also stated that the Ulema are doing it so why shouldn't they do it as well. Please advise if this current trend is permissible for an upright Muslim ?

Woman refusing to go for umrah with her brother

Q: My mother in law has been asked by her brothers to go for Umrah with them (they will pay all the expenses) but she refuses saying that she will go for Umrah only with her sons (they dont have enough money at this point in their lives). She says that she doesn't want any favours.

The question is, is she allowed to refuse Umrah? Would it be a sin? Or can she wait for her sons to take her to Makkah.