
Does talaaq automatically take place if the spouses did not consummate the marriage within 4 months?

Q: One of my friends married 6 month ago. But she and her husband still not had intercourse between them. She doesn't know anything about it. Her husband also not trying to do anything. What can we do for her? How to take his feelings out? I heard if a husband and wife don't have intercourse upto 4 months, automatically it will be talaq. Is it true? 

Issuing three talaaqs when the nikaah was not consummated

Q: I wanted to ask regarding a person who got married to a woman and didn't have relations or spent time in seclusion with his wife and went to America. He did, however, touch her with lust.

After a year, he says that he, in his full senses is giving her Talaq, talaq, talaq.

What is the maslah regarding the amount of talaqs and iddat regarding this woman.

Shar'ee obligation of the father to provide maintenance for the children after divorce

Q: A couple have decided to terminate their nikah due to irreconcilable differences. After the iddat the wife will move out and rent a flat somewhere to accommodate herself and her three children (all sons).

Although the eldest child is 11, it has been mutually agreed that all 3 children will live with the mother.

The mother of the children has no personal income. She will have to find a job to take care of herself and her children as there is no other financial support. Since the children will be living with her, how much is the father liable for the maintenance of each child? Is there any formula to calculate this?

2. Which of the following aspects will be considered when calculating an amount for the maintenance of the children:

a) Food
b) Clothing
c) Rent
d) Utilities
e) Toiletries
f) Maid
g) Petrol allowance
h) Household detergents etc
i) Occasional treats

3. The children have grown up in a certain lifestyle. Does the mother have to cut back on what they are accustomed to, or does the father have to maintain them at the level they have become used to?

4. The mother will be moving into an empty flat which will have to be furnished with at least the basics. Since the children will be living with her, does the father have any responsibility in furnishing the home for his children's benefit?

5. The rental in an average suitable and safe area is around R6000. The children are already accustomed to living in such a suburb. Is the father obliged to provide maintenance considering such rental amount, or must the mother find a place in a sub economic area in order to afford the rental?

6. If the father of the children claims he is unable to afford, for example, more than R5000 in total per month for the maintenance of all three children, which is very inadequate, but the mother claims that he can afford more, how is this to be resolved?

Are three talaaqs considered as one?

Q: I gave my wife 3 talaaq in 1 sitting. I heard it is counted as 3. Is it true? What is the real fatwa on this?

I also heard from an organisation that 3 talaaq nowadays, due to some reason, is counted as 1. It is said also due to this time and age it is counted as 1.

So please reply and give me the fatwa and explaining from Qur'aan and hadith. I need to know what Qur'aan and hadith has to say about this and at this time and age what's the rules. 

Revoking a talaaq within the iddat period

Q: I am currently in iddat after my husband gave me 1 divorce (19/05/22).

He is messaging me that he wants a ruju but the Mufti Saheb I spoke to from our sharia council said that a ruju will not take place like this and I should just continue observing my iddat.

I feel that the Mufti Saheb knows our matters in detail hence this is why he prefers for me to just complete the iddat period.

I just want to know whether I should continue my iddat or just stop as my husband has said that he wants ruju over a text message?