
Divorcing one wife by saying her name but the another wife's name came to mind

Q: If a person has 2 wives and he, intending to divorce one says her name then explicit words of divorce like "Maryam I....(explicit words)" but at the time of sayings the words he has his other wife who he didn't want to divorce come to his mind.

Does it mean he accidentally gave divorce to the other wife (named Zainab) which he didn't intend to?

Writing out three talaaqs in the state of duress

Q: Mufti Saheb, I was forced by my family to divorce my wife by writing on a page and signing that I am giving her three talaaqs. My family threatened to beat me up if I did not comply. Hence, I was forced to write the following: “I, so and so, am giving my wife three talaaqs.” Are the three talaaqs which I wrote valid or is my wife still in my nikaah?  I did not verbally issue the three talaaqs.

Khula after 2 talaaqs

Q: Can a wife get 2 khula? 1st one was given after 2 talaqs because the husband wants a second wife. They then got married again and now she wants to go for another khula as her husband still wants a second wife.

Pre planned halalah

Q: Is pre planned halalah permissible in Islam. What I have heard is that it is a major sin but will the marriage with the previous husband be valid if it was done only for the purpose of making the woman halal for the first husband?

Three talaaqs while one's wife is in the state of haidh

Q: I would like to know the validity of the talaq given to me by my husband. He said talaq three times in one go out of anger. There were a few people present to hear the talaq and straight after, he called my father and said ‘I've given your daughter talaq come and take her’.

Currently we are living separately and we have three children together.

Also, when and how long does my iddah start. At the time of the talaq I was on my menses.

Three talaaqs

Q: I got married in 2008 and I have four children. Apart from this, my wife is also 8 months pregnant.

I had verbally divorced my wife thrice 10 years ago. After this we had ruju (rejoin) within a week.

After this, 3 years ago, I and my wife had a fight due to which I divorced her thrice in writting three years ago. But then we again rejoin (ruju) within a week.

But then after that, 2 days ago, I and my wife had a fight again, on which I placed my hand on the Holy Quran Pak and told her that I will not keep you and you are haraam, haraam, haraam on me and I said that after today you will be my mother and sister.

Is my wife now divorced or not and she is also 8 months pregnant?