Good Character

Controlling one's anger

Q: I am getting angry and cannot control it. I do not stop to reason and calm down but I just blurt out whatever I want to say without thinking to my husband, and when he leaves the house I get back to my senses and think what is wrong with me. I have very bad scary dreams and I am very restless at night when sleeping. Secondly I want to know if rukya is permissible and can it be done by a female? My third question. I am in a 2nd marriage and I have kids from my first marriage. How do I divide my property, car, pension fund and money in the bank? I have one son and 2 daughters.

Showing good character

Q: So, one of my cousins accuses me of talking negative about her behind her back at the time we were good, I'm not that close to my cousins who live locally near me although I want to be, so I was close with this one cousin she accused me of talking negative about her behind her back and she didn't give me time to explain and ignored me, I never once talked negative about her behind her back, before she ignored me she finished the chat saying she wants to cut me out of her life forever, months later my parents tried to get her and me to start talking again , she then told me that someone said that I had been backstabbing her, i was shocked since I never talk to anyone in my family (meaning cousins) and I wouldn't talk about her behind her back anyway , I then asked her what did I "supposedly say about you" as in what did this person say to you that I apparently had said , I also asked her who said this about me, she said No I can't tell you because I'm the Quran it says that breaking a promise whether it is bad or good is haram , I then said why would you tell me that someone said that I said something negative about you behind my back yet you won't tell me what they said or who they are ? Is it a bigger sin to cover up for another persons sin and not tell the victim what has been said? How am I meant to get self justice for myself. Till now my cousins still ignore and now have been arguing with my brother "exposing sins"

Abusing and cursing people

Q: How would have our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) reacted to those people who would hurt his parents if they were alive. Hurting to the extent destroying their social life, giving physical pain, etc. Can we pray for there destruction who have troubled our parents so much. Except dua we have nothing

Refraining from Gheebat

Q: It was maghrib time and azaan was calling and I don't know who was calling the azaan but I had some thought going through my head about this person, someone was talking about him the other day and was saying he is (addar magaj) thats in gujrati. I don't no exact meaning in English but something about brain. He does what he wants to do. Whatever is in his head, he does what ever he wishes to do. Alhumdulillah, he is a very pious person. So azaan was calling and I dont know if he was doing azaan because he does sometimes azaan now in my mind comes his name and that he is (addar magaj ) and azaan was calling, is it kufr? I didnt say it with mouth. I wont call him so I dont really like to listen to things about people but I am worried if it is kufr. Is my nikah valid? Im not sure who was giving azaan. If it was him and that comes in my mind, is my nikah valid? I repeated the kalimah as well. I didnt say it with my mouth but now Im not sure if I said it with my mouth. Im mostly sure I didnt say it with mouth. Is my nikah valid? Is it kufr?


Q: Is being sarcastic correct according to the Sunnah and Quran? I mean sometimes sarcasm can hurt someone. Please explain in this case.