Good Character

Attending a function where people are engaged in gheebat

Q: If a person attends a wedding and he hears people doing gheebat and is unable to stop them then is it permissible to sit in that place?

فلو على المائدة لا ينبغي أن يقعد بل يخرج معرضا لقوله تعالى : - { فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظالمين }

در المختار ( قوله لا ينبغي أن يقعد ) أي يجب عليه قال في الاختيار لأن استماع اللهو حرام والإجابة سنة والامتناع عن الحرام أولى ا هـ وكذا إذا كان على المائدة قوم يغتابون لا يقعد فالغيبة أشد من اللهو واللعب تتارخانية رد المحتار


Q: An ustaad said here in a sermon about the characteristics of people that have riya (besides showing off ibadah), kindly answer yes if any of this is true:

1.) If a person is always concerned about other peoples opinion, then he is not free from riya.

2.) If he has a desire in his heart and is eager to be praised, noticed, appreciated & admired by the people then he is not also free from riya.

3.) If he is always concerned about how to please people, then he is not free from riya.

4.) If he fears the criticism of (un-Islamic) people, he is not free from riya.

5.) If he constantly worrys about what people might think about him , he is not free from riya.

6.) If a person is free from any of the abovementioned, then he can assure that he is safe from riya. This kind of shocked me because I thought riya was just showing off your ibadaah to people.


Q: When you use to gossip and you ask Allah for forgiveness and promise never to do it again. Should you also ask the people you gossip about for forgiveness or is the one between you and Allah Ta'ala enough?

Lying in a job interview

Q: My question is regarding lying on a telephone interview for a university application. I had a telephone interview for computing course. I initially applied for a different course for which I got accepted with an unconditional offer. When I decided to change I had a telephone interview and the Head of department asked me as to why I didn't retake my GCSE Maths Exam as i had a D. I don't know how was it impulsive or due to nervousness I said that I was working full time. So he said ok and asked about my other qualification which is the main one BTEC I.T. He was satisfied and gave me an unconditional offer. So the lie is that I actually have retook my GCSE Exam and Got the same Result. I was certain that I had put it on my original application but it seems I didn't. To my shock I said the lie. I was actually working though pretty much full time. On Registration the Uni only took my BTEC cert. Am I sinful? Will my earnings be Halaal?

Becoming angry

Q: Nowadays I am confronting a huge problem. The problem is that I become angry at very small mistakes of others. I can't tolerate anybody elses joke. Sometimes this anger fades away quickly, but sometimes it becomes prolonged. I don't know what to do about it. I am an engineering student, 21 years old. Please grant me a solution to this problem.